Thursday, June 13, 2024

Toddler killed in Elsies River accident

Elsies Rivier police are investigating a culpable homicide and reckless and negligent driving case, after a toddler was killed by a speeding vehicle in Leonsdale, on Tuesday. The four-year-old girl, identified as Amy Bell, was being taken to crèche at the time of the incident.

PICTURE: Pixabay

Ward councillor, Franchesca Walker, says a woman (walking the girl) and the girl were crossing a pedestrian crossing when a vehicle sped by.

“They were flung through the air with the speed, and little Amy Bell landed against the tree in the centre island.”

Walker said chaos ensued after when the driver jumped out of the vehicle and ran into the crèche where Amy was headed. She says community members descended on the scene, and held the man, awaiting the police.

Police confirmed that Amy was declared deceased on the scene and that the other woman sustained injuries, and is receiving treatment in hospital.


 Done by: Elona Sibunzi

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