Friday, August 28, 2015

ANC accuses DA of weak education performance

Micah Loewinger
28 August, 2015

The Western Cape Provincial Parliament convened on Thursday, 27 August, to debate the efficacy of the Department of Education, following a surge of heated demonstrations throughout the region.

Within moments of his opening remark, African National Congress Education Spokesperson Theo Olivier accused the Democratic Alliance of failing to provide safe transport and functional school infrastructure for working class learners.

He concluded his statement by repeatedly demanding that Minister of Education Beverley Schäfer resign immediately.

In his response, DA member of Provincial Legislature Lennit Max argued that problems with transportation and infrastructure, particularly for students in rural areas, are remnants of the Apartheid educational system improperly addressed when the ANC controlled the Western Cape prior to 2009.

“The ANC only managed to replace 36 schools when they were in power, but the DA has already replaced almost twice as many schools, 56 in number.” Max added.

Max’s speech was frequently interrupted by swells of shouting, derisive laughter, and consistent murmur from frustrated ANC members.

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