Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Deputy President Ramaphosa says Japan trip a major success

Loyiso Langeni
26 August 2105
Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa has described his last day visit to Japan as a victory.

Ramaphosa is leading a delegation of government and business leaders on a trip, to Japan to promote South Africa as a preferred investment destination.

Ramaposa said in a statement that they see Japan as a country that does not only invest, but a country that also supports development. They discussed areas of co-operation through skills transfer.

He also said that they are making great strides in supporting the continent when it comes to skills development. They have invited or called for a number of young people around the continent to come and be trained here in Japan. They will be sending forty nine.

“The South African government on these types’ of visits seeks to make sure that we grow the economy of our country, we enhance investment. We push the skills development button and get as many of our young people to come to be trained in the countries that we visit because it is important to draw skills, as many skills as we possibly can. So we want to flood some of these countries with young people who can come and learn and go back home” Ramaphosa added.  

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