Monday, August 24, 2015

Nine year old boy injured in a roll-over accident

Loyiso Langeni
24 August 2015

Netcare 911 paramedics responded to an accident scene late last night after a motor vehicle overturned several times and crashed through a palisade fence leaving a boy in a critical condition.

Netcare 911 Spokesperson Santi Steinmann said upon assessment of the occupants paramedics found that the man and woman travelling in the front vehicle were not injured during the roll-over.  

“A nine year old boy was found to have sustained critical injuries during the roll-over accident” Steinmann added.  

She also said that the Netcare1 helicopter was activated to airlift the injured boy to hospital for the urgent medical care that he required.

Exact details to the cause of the roll-over will remain the subject of a police investigation.

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