Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sisulu to announce R1.5 million Housing opportunities

Rentse Khiba
30 August 2015

Minister of Human Settlements, Lindiwe Sisulu will host a national contractors and developers workshop to build partnership with the private sector for the accelerated Human Settlements delivery, this coming Thursday.

This workshop is a follow up engagement with developers and contractors after a 2014 Human Settlements Indaba which transgressed into a social contract for the sustainable Human Settlements.

Minisitrial Human Settlements Spokesperson Ndivhuwo Mabaya said the minister is going to be meeting with developers during the week to announce mega projects in this country towards the achievement of R1.5 million housing opportunities for 2015.

Mabaya mentioned that, “The conference will be attended by developer, banks, mining companies and all other stake-holders.”

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