Monday, August 17, 2015

Road traffic Weekend operations: 17 drunk drivers arrested in Western Cape

Rentse Khiba
17 August 2015

Western Cape Traffic Authorities conducted 24 roadblocks across the province this past weekend and 2 411 vehicles were stopped and checked.

1 298 drivers were tested for alcohol and 17 drunken drivers were arrested during the roadblocks.

Provincial Traffic Chief Kenny Africa said the highest reading recorded was
a reading of 1.23 milligrams per 1000 millimeters and this was in the Somerset West region.

Africa said a total of R263 000 worth of fines were issued and also the speed of 3301 vehicles were tested since Friday. The highest speed recorded in the Western Cape Province was 176 km in a 120 km zone and 96km in a 60km zone.

Meanwhile, also during the roadblocks one driver was arrested for being in possession of a stolen vehicle in Laingsburg, another one for being in possession of dagga and one person was arrested for being in possession of false drivers licence in Swellendam.

Three people died early Saturday morning just after two ‘o Clock in a taxi accident on the De Rus road in the union dale region.

“Pedestrians were killed in a motor vehicle accident, one pedestrian got killed in Milnerton, one in Citrusdale and a pedestrian that got knocked over by a motor vehicle in Observatory, this pedestrian also died.” Africa said

Eight fatalities were recorded on the province roads. 

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