Saturday, August 31, 2013

Two separate fires left one person dead and 12 displaced

Loyiso Langeni
31 August 2013

In the early hours of this morning emergency services responded to a fire in Protea Park, Atlantis whereby a 34-year-old woman died. 

Disaster Risk Management Spokesperson Wilfred Solomons Johannes said a father and a 3-year-old child were taken to hospital for further treatment. 

Solomons said the woman died due to the burns she had sustained and she burnt beyond recognition. 

Wilfred Solomons Johannes said the circumstances leading to the preceding of the fire is unclear at this stage and the city of Cape Town will probe an investigation.

Meanwhile another fire occurred in Manenberg whereby three back dwellings caught alight leaving 12 people displaced.  Nobody sustained any injuries.

Solomon Johannes said it is suspected that both fires were caused by an electrical fault that ignited and resulted in the fire.



President Zuma says Nelson Mandela still in hospital

Loyiso Langeni
31 August 2013

President Jacob Zuma has today denied reports that Former President Nelson Mandela has been discharged from hospital. 

This follows several international media reports this morning claiming that Mandela was discharged from hospital. 

Nelson Mandela is being treated for a lung infection at the Medi-Clinic Heart Hospital in Pretoria. 

Presidency Spokesperson Mac Maharaj said Madiba is still in hospital in Pretoria and remains critical but stable condition. 

Maharaj added that at times his condition becomes unstable but he responds to medical intervention.

A security guard shot dead at Promenade Mall, Mitchells Plain

Loyiso Langeni
31 August 2013

Western Cape police have today confirmed that a shooting took place at Promenade Mall in Mitchells Plain this morning. 

Captain FC van Wyk said the two suspects approached two security guards who were about to fill the ATM’s. 

Both security guards were shot whereby one was shot dead and the other one was taken to a nearby hospital for medical treatment. 

Captain FC van Wyk said the suspects fled the scene with an undisclosed amount of cash in a white Audi. 

A case of murder, attempted murder and cash in transit has been opened by police.  Anyone with information is kindly requested to contact 08600 10 111. 

President Zuma appoints new NDPP and SIU Head

Loyiso Langeni
31 August 2013

President Jacob Zuma on Friday named the new head of the National Director of Public Prosecutions attorney Mxolisi Nxasana. 

Zuma also named Advocate Vasantrai Soni as the new head of the Special Investigating Unit. 

Advocate Sophy Moipone Dinah Noko was appointed as Director of Public Prosecutions of the jurisdictional area of KwaZulu-Natal Division of the High Court of South Africa.

Presidency Spokesperson Mac Maharaj said Advocate Soni is a Senior Counsel with some 25 years experience and played a crucial role as Chief Evidence Leader in the Jali Commission of Enquiry into corruption in prisons in South Africa.

Maharaj added that President Zuma extended his congratulations to the three appointees and wished them well in their endeavours, confident that their appointments will enhance the credibility, integrity and stability to the institutions which they now will lead.

Golden Arrow bus extends its participation and commitment to BBE

Mluleki Mrwebi
31 August 2013

Golden Arrow Bus Service has announced that it has extended its participation and commitment to broad based empowerment in the commuter bus industry, this as the MyCiti 12-year Vehicle Operating contracts concluded. 

Table Bay Rapid Transit Director Toto Ntsobi said there are many challenges ahead as this is a new avenue. 

Golden Arrow Spokesperson Bronwen Dyke said it is a great opportunity for the company that after so many years in the business.

Dyke added that TBRT will operate 54 buses with a staff complement of 242 employees from the Woodstock offices.



Friday, August 30, 2013

Deployment of troops in the DRC questioned

Mluleki Mrwebi
30 August 2013

The Democratic Alliance today said the Chairperson of the Joint Standing Committee Jerome Maake has failed to reply to three separate requests for a special hearing on the South African National Defence Force deployment in the Democratic Republic of Congo. 

DA MP of Defence and Military Veterans David Maynier said Parliament must not be allowed to fail the SANDF soldiers who have been deployed to the DRC. 

Maynier said the DA`s request seems to have fallen on deaf ears in Parliament and it is imperative for the SANDF Chief provide a detailed briefing to the joint committee on the deployment of troops in the DRC.

He added that Parliament must ensure that the SANDF are properly trained to carry out their work in the DRC. 

President Jacob Zuma appoints NPA Head

Mluleki Mrwebi
30 August 2013

President Jacob Zuma has today appointed Mxolisi Nxasana as the new National Director of Public Prosecutions. 

Attorney Mxolisi Nxasana currently serves as chair of the KwaZulu-Natal Law society. 

The post had been vacant for almost a year after Menzi Simelane stepped down. 

Presidency Spokesperson Mac Maharaj said Mr Nxasana is expected to start at his new position on the 1st October 2013.He has a lot of experience in criminal litigation. 

25 people left injured in a taxi accident in Somerset West

Mluleki Mrwebi
30 August 2013

A taxi accident late on Thursday evening left approximately 25 people injured. 

It is believed that two taxis collided into each on the R300 at Hindle Road in Somerset West. 

It is not exactly clear what caused the accident, however a bystander said one of the taxis was stationery when the other collided with him.  Police are investigating the accident. 

ER24 Spokesperson Werner Vermaak said when paramedics arrived the fire services were already busy trying to extricate one man that was trapped in the wreckage and one lady was in very critical condition.

Vermaak added that an eyewitness stated that one taxi crashed on a stationery vehicle and the injured were treated at the scene before being transported to nearby hospitals.

Helen Zille names 11 people believed to be involved in poo protests

Mluleki Mrwebi
30 August 2013

Western Cape Premier Helen Zille today announced 11 people believed to be behind the various dumping of human waste attacks in the city.  

Among the people named include Andile Lili, Mario Wanza and Songezo Mvandaba.  Premier Spokesperson Zak Mbhele said the 11 people implicated are ANC and ANC Youth League members. 

Zille said the city is doing the best it can in addressing service delivery issues including portable flush toilets in the city.

Mbhele further said the provincial has been gathering evidence and there is very strong belief that this act is politically motivated because the youth league had said it would make the City ungovernable. The names have been handed over to the police and the City will follow up to ensure that necessary steps are taken against the culprits.

ANC women's league marched to provincial Legislature

Imogen Vollenhoven
30 August 2013

Members of the ANC came out in their numbers in support of the final day of woman’s day. 

The march was to highlight issues affecting women. ANC Women's League national chairperson, Angie Motshekga, said as today marks the closing of women’s month they are consolidating all the issues and challenges woman face especially in the Western Cape and as the ANC they are saying no more.

Motshekga said that due to the high levels of violence against women, the serious issues of gangsterism and alcohol and substance abuse.

“Those are the things we want this government and the people of the Western Cape to focus on and during the women’s parliament there was a call to reconvene a special meeting after women’s month to reflect on all the issues that were raised,” added Motshekga.

She furthermore said that the main focus is around gender based violence and as the women’s league be talking to the Commission for Gender Equality, to bring together all stake holders to say what more can be done around issues of gender based violence. 

Minister of Water and Environmental affairs, Edna Molewa also came out in full support and added that this is a great event for the ANC and the women’s league in particular.

Molewa said that as the ANC they have come out to show the Western Cape that the ANC is alive.

Molewa said that as the ANC they want to say to the Western Cape Government, that they do not like to have no women in the cabinet.

“It is important that we have representation, as we have been fighting as women for 50% of representation and it is important that, that gets recognised here in the Western Cape as well,” added Molewa.

An accident has claimed the lives of two people in Pretoria

Lusanda Bill
30 August 2013

Two people have died this is after the vehicle they were traveling in hit a tree along Gordon Road in Pretoria. 

Netcare 911 Spokesperson Chris Botha said when paramedics arrived there they found that a female had tragically died on impact due to the seriousness of the injuries she sustained.

Botha added that the man had sustained life threatening injuries and he was placed on a ventilator, and then transported to a Netcare hospital for further treatment.  Tragically he died soon after arriving at the hospital due to the very severe injuries he sustained.    

The exact details of the cause of the accident will remain the subject of a police investigation. 

Meanwhile two people are fighting for their lives this is after a shooting incident took place in the early hours of this morning in Richmond. 

A 27-year-old female and a man sustained gunshot wounds. 

Netcare 911 Spokesperson Chris Botha said when they arrived on scene both were placed on a ventilator and transported to a Netcare hospital, for the specialised care they required.

SACP to continue to picket outside the Johannesburg Housing Company

Lusanda Bill
30 August 2013

The South African Communist Party in Gauteng has strongly condemned the attempts by the Johannesburg Housing Company to stop its weekly protest action.

Residents have been holding weekly pickets at the JHC and interdict against the picket was issued by JHC. 

SACP Provincial Spokesperson Lucian Segami said this attempt by the JHC to stop the pickets will not work. 

Segami said it is in our right to demonstrate and call for the return of the stolen building out of which thousands of poor people were evicted. We also support the right of the new town housing cooperative residents to return to their property.

SACP’s Lucian Segami added that today the Congress of South African Trade Union will be protesting outside the JHC.

Disaster Risk Management to turn it's attention to people with special needs

Imogen Vollenhoven
30 August 2013

The City of Cape Town on Thursday said it will be turning its attention to people with special needs. 

This as the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction said there needs to be more focus on people with special needs. 

The City of Cape Town Disaster Risk Management Centre is busy conducting an audit of all organisations that work with people living with special needs.

Disaster Risk Management Centre’s Public Awareness and Preparedness Head Charlotte Powell said persons living with disabilities are amongst the most excluded in society and their plight is magnified when a disaster strikes.

She added the City’s Disaster Risk Management centre is conducting an audit of organisations that work with people living with special needs.

“The subjected of this audit is to ensure that these organisations have developed preparedness plans to deal with various disasters and also to prepare them when any emergency strikes,” said Powell. 

DA: e-tolls failing people of Gauteng

Imogen Vollenhoven
30 August 2013

The Democratic Alliance has called for an explanation regarding the near collapse of the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences Act. 

DA Premier Candidate for Gauteng Mmusi Maimane said while government continues with its stubborn campaign to implement e-tolling, documents leaked reveal that government neither has the means nor the systems in place to implement the R10 billion project. 

Maimane said that they hold the view that e-tolls is failing the people of the province.

“Certainly it failed in Pretoria, it failed in Tswane and it was the same system that that was going to be used for tolling and in our view it is not going to work,” added Maimane.

He also said that while revenue is not being collected it is very clear that traffic is going to be affected from the perspective that traffic enforcers cannot be able to implement traffic rules.

ACDP calls for the City to make provision for the homeless

Mluleki Mrwebi
30 August 2013

The African Christian Democratic Party said it is disappointed that 20-years post-democracy homeless people are dying not having basic need to survive. 

This is after two homeless people died after freezing to death in Cape Town due to the cold and stormy weather that has hit the Cape this week. 

ACDP Provincial Leader Ferlon Christians said the ACDP urged the DA government to make provision for the homeless to give them housing.

He added that the homeless people are suffering in these freezing conditions and the province needs to ensure that these people are taken care off before more people die.

So far two people have died due to weather conditions in the province. On Wednesday a man died and another one died in Hout Bay when cave collapsed on four homeless men.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

28% of principals in the Western Cape are females

Mluleki Mrwebi
29 August 2013

The Western Cape Department of Education has confirmed that the majority of school principals in the province are males. 

WCED Spokesperson Paddy Attwell said at the moment 28% of principals are females, the target is 46% in terms of the employment equity act. 

Attwell said this target would then match the economically active population in the province for females. 

Attwell said the department has made progress in recruiting female principals over the passed four years and now the department is the process of appointing new female principals. 

DNA Bill is about to be passed into law

Mluleki Mrwebi
29 August 2013

The DNA bill is one step closer in becoming law this is after Parliament last week passed the bill. 

The DNA bill has been dubbed as a big step forward in fighting crime in the country. 

Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa’s Spokesperson Zweli Mnisi said the bill would help in securing convictions in the court of law. 

Chairperson of Parliaments Police Portfolio Committee Annelize van Wyk said it will now provide additional support in investigation of the police.

Correctional Services official sentenced to five years in prison for fraud

Mluleki Mrwebi
29 August 2013

Minister of Correctional Services Sibusiso Ndebele has once again reiterated that his department will not tolerate corrupt officials. 

This is after a DSC official who was employed at the department’s legal services directorate was sentenced to five years imprisonment after he was dismissed for fraud. 

Another official is still set to stand trial in the same case. 

Ministerial Spokesperson Logan Maistry said the Minister told the staff the crime and corruption will not be tolerated in any form. Correctional Official`s behaviour has a direct influence on the lives of inmates.

One man dies after a cave collapsed on him in Hout Bay

Mluleki Mrwebi
29 August 2013

City of Cape Town’s Disaster Risk Management Centre has confirmed that an adult male died after a cave collapsed on four homeless people. 

Disaster Risk Management Centre Spokesperson Wilfred Solomons Johannes said last night four people found themselves in difficulty when rockfalls occurred at a cave in Hout Bay. 

Three of the men evacuated the cave when they released what was happening and unfortunately one adult male was stuck. 

Solomons-Johannes said the paramedics returned to the scene with the assumption that he was still alive but they found him dead. The officials have established the identity of the deceased and now they are busy making contact with his next of kin.



Missing Adult Alert: Janet Naidoo

A man critically injured in an accident in Durban

Mluleki Mrwebi
29 August 2013

Netcare 911 paramedics said a man in his 30’s is fighting for his life this is after he was hit by a car in Durban late last night. 

The exact detail of the cause of the accident is unknown at this stage however police are investigating the accident. 

Netcare 911 Spokesperson Chris Botha said when paramedics arrived at the scene the man was in a critical condition.

He added that after the man was stabilised on scene before he was transported to hospital for further care.

Competency tests for matric exam markers put on hold

Mluleki Mrwebi
29 August 2013

The African Christian Democratic Party said it is appalled at the decision of Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga to shelve plans to have matric exam markers write competency tests this year. 

Umalusi recommended to Parliament that it must introduce the tests however the South African Democratic Teachers Union blocked the proposal. 

ACDP’s Wayne Thring has said it is important for teachers that mark the matric exam papers are properly qualified for the work and are highly skilled.

Thring further said the fact that the Minister has buckled under the pressure of a Union that does not bode well for the education of the learners as a whole and education is intertwined with the economy. 

Man dies while playing tennis

Imogen Vollenhoven
29August 2013

ER24 paramedics attended to a scene in Dainfern on Wednesday whereby a man in his 50’s collapsed while playing tennis.

It has been reported that the man is Chief Executive Officer of BP South Africa Gerard Derbesy. 

ER24 Spokesperson Vanessa Jackson said they tried to resuscitate him on the scene with no luck. 

Derbesy became CEO after taking the position from Sipho Maseko in September 2011.

Jackson explains that upon their arrival they had to initiate resuscitation efforts.

“We then continued these efforts all the way to the nearby hospital but he was declared deceased in hospital,” added Jackson.

Furthermore Jackson explained that at this time it is still under investigation as to what exactly took place.

More than two-thirds of South Africans think police are corrupt

Imogen Vollenhoven
29 August 2013

Institute for Security Studies Crime and Justice Division Head Gareth Newham said over the last ten years there has been an increase in cases of police brutality reported to the Independent Police Directorate.

Newham said surveys have shown that less than half of the South African population trusts the police; two-thirds think the police are corrupt, and between 35 and 40% of people would not report a crime because they are so scared of police. 

Newham said that many communities but specifically poorer communities, police are not trying to build constructive relations in order to collectively solve crime.

“They just basically tell community members what to do and if community members don’t listen to them they use violence as a way to force community members to adherer to their instructions,” added Newham.

Newham said that those are the common experiences many have in this time that this kind of policing has been going and it has been going for some time.

He furthermore added that communities need service that they can rely on as they are starting to fear the police.

DA not giving up on spy tapes investigation

Imogen Vollenhoven
29 August 2013

On Friday the Gauteng North High Court will hear application for leave to appeal by President Jacob Zuma against the court’s order compelling the National Prosecuting Authority to comply with the order of the Supreme Court of Appeal to hand off the so called spy types. 

The DA said they will not give up because the principals involved are so important to democracy.

DA Spokesperson Cameron Arendse said that if it were not for the South African Taxpayer president Jacob Zuma would not be able to fund his court case regarding the spy tapes.

“The DA has already spent millions of its own money trying to get the truth behind the spy tapes and it is important for democracy that the NPA must act without fear or favour,” added Arendse.

Furthermore Arendse said that if it were not for the public interest they would stop funding the president’s endless diversions on this matter and start funding the Marikana mineworkers so that they can appear before the Farlam commission on a level playing field.

UDM to convene with various stakeholders to resolve strike at Walter Sisulu

Imogen Vollenhoven
29 August 2013

Calls have been made for government to intervene at Walter Sisulu University crisis. 

This is after the university was shut down on Wednesday after a six week strike. Workers and lecturers are campaigning for an 8% salary increase. 

Students at other campuses had a meeting to discuss the way forward following an order issued by the administrator for them to vacate the university. 

United Democratic Movement President Bantu Holomisa said they have since recommended to the council of churches in Umthatha to call for a meeting of all stakeholders for September the 2nd.

“With the view of finding a solution to this crises and we have suggested that the people call the Walter Sisulu leadership, students, academics, management, parents and also the department of national education as the matter is now in their hands,” added Holomisa.

DA welcomes Madonesela’s decision to investigate ‘guptagate’

Imogen Vollenhoven
29 August 2013

The Democratic Alliance has welcomed Public Protector Thuli Mandonsela’s decision to investigate certain aspects of the scandal surrounding the controversial landing of the Jet Airways at Waterkloof Air force Base.

Public Protector's spokesperson Kgalaelo Masibi says, however, that the role of Cabinet Ministers in the landing will not be investigated, due to insufficient evidence. 

DA MP of Defence and Military Veterans David Maynier said that they welcome the fact that the public protector will effectively be investigating the investigation into ‘guptagate’.

“But it is off course disappointing that the public protector will not be investigating the role of President Jacob Zuma and his cabinet in ‘guptagate’,” added Maynier.

He furthermore said that this is not the end as they DA they will not give up, they will continue to investigate the saga of ‘guptagate’ with the view of gathering more evidence on the role of President Jacob Zuma  and members of his cabinet.

Missing Child Alert: Thabiso Ngcongo

City of Cape Town aims to redesign ports

Mluleki Mrwebi
29 August 2013

The Western Cape Government is busy development a redesign for the Port of Cape Town. 

This comes as the city hosted this year African Ports Evolution Forum. 

MEC of Finance, Economic Development and Tourism Alan Winde said the redesign will create 14 700 jobs in the province especially in the oil and gas vessel repair industry. 

Ministerial Spokesperson Bronwynne Jooste said the Western Cape government and the City of Cape Town together with the national government are developing a proposal to redesign the port of Cape Town and they are still waiting for imminent designation of the industrial development in Saldanha Bay.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

One man died due to cold weather conditions in Cape Town

Mluleki Mrwebi
28 August 2013

ER24 paramedics attended to a scene whereby police found two men huddled under wet cardboard boxes, unresponsive, freezing cold and wet. 

ER24 Spokesperson Vanessa Jackson said the one man was already dead with nothing more that could be done for him. 

The second man was in a critical condition with his body temperature at a dangerously low level. 

Jackson said the other man was transported to hospital, at the moment the man is stable at Tygerberg hospital.

Jackson added that the circumstances around the incident as to why the men were outside in freezing conditions remains a subject of police investigation.

Two learners appeared in court for public violence

Mluleki Mrwebi
28 August 2013

Over a hundred learners from New Eisleben Secondary School protested outside the Athlone Magistrate Court on Tuesday in support of two of their fellow classmates, who were charged with public violence. 

Ministerial Spokesperson Bronagh Casey said two weeks ago learners from the school were protesting and throw stones and damaged several of the school windows, offices as well as their toilets. 

Two of the students appeared in court yesterday but the case was thrown out of court. 

Casey said the learners` behaviour was unacceptable and would not be tolerated at any time and if any learner has grievances they should report it to the district officer not to vandalized school.


CWU concerned about allegations of corruption at SAPO

Mluleki Mrwebi
28 August 2013

The Communications Workers Union said it is baffled by serious allegations of corruption and bribery at the South African Post Office, levelled against the General Manager in Security and Investigations Patrick Ngomane. 

CWU National Spokesperson Matankana Mothapo said they hope Sapo will not take a dim view of people who commit infractions of this proportion. 

Mothapo said CWU is very concerned about corruption at the Sapo and this is what the union has been raising for quiet some time.

Molapo added that action need to be taken against those that are guilty of maladministration.


Anti-Drug Campaign launched in Mitchell’s Plain

28 August 2013

Minister of Police Nathi Mthethwa on Tuesday launched the Anti-Drug Campaign in Mitchell’s Plain. 

Mthethwa said the use of drugs has become an international challenge.

He added that the drug challenge has been complicated by the increasing manufacturing and sale of dependency-forming substances with legal chemical substances.

As part of the campaign, the police will implement intelligence-driven, concerted and programmatic interventions aimed at dealing seriously with the illegal drug trade and use. 

Ministerial Spokesperson Zweli Mnisi said the Ministry is confident that this challenge will be eradicated and that would need partnerships between police and communities.

Mnisi added that communities can play a meaningful role in the fight against drugs.


SACCI concerned of ban on Alcohol Advertisement

Loyiso Langeni
28 August 2013

The South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry said the ban on alcohol advertising will harm the economy. 

The draft bill is expected to be tabled in Parliament soon. 

COO of the Chamber of Commerce Peggy Drodskie said the ban will have a ripple effect on businesses including hospitality and retail. 

Drodskie added that they are concerned that the industry itself will be negatively affected by such a ban, the inter-ministerial has indicated and that global research has shown that where there have been bans on alcohol advertising it has not reduce the incident of substance abuse.

“We are very concerned that South Africa in the face of global research is actually going along the root which indicates it’s going to be effective,” Drodskie said. 

WCED: 15 cases reported of sexual assault abuse

Loyiso Langeni
28 August 2013

The Western Cape Department of Education has confirmed that there have been 15 cases reported so far this year of sexual assault by educators on learners compared to 33 last year.

Ministerial Spokesperson Bronagh Casey said the WCED views sexual assault or misconduct in a very serious light and investigates such cases as a matter of priority.

Casey added that if found guilty the educator could face dismissal.

The department also reports all cases of sexual misconduct to the South African Counselor of Educators, they instruct teachers from the role of professional educated depending on the nature of the offence and education Department only employ teachers according to law.

49 political members jumps ship to DA

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in the Cape Metro Region welcomed 49 opposition members during a special walk-over ceremony on Tuesday. In a ...