Thursday, September 05, 2013

Strike season affecting the economy badly

Mluleki Mrwebi
05 September 2013

The current strike season in South Africa has hit the economy hard especially in the gold sector.

Analysts predict that the daily lose on the gold mining industry is in the region between R300 and R500 million. 

Economist Dawie Roodt said the longer the strikes go on the more badly the economy will be affected.

Roodt said there is no way that we can go back to yesterday, meaning if we loose one’s day production and that production is lost for good.

Roodt added that if these strikes go on some mines will be forced to close some shafts and that would lead to more retrenchments and some mines may close completely.

Meanwhile the South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry said because we have an annual strike season it gives a poor impression what South Africa is like to our international investors. 

SACCI Chief Operating Officer Peggy Drodskie said international investors do not want to investor in South Africa because of the uncertainty.

Drodskie said this is very bad for the country in the sense that many of our trading partners operate on adjusting time system so that they place orders and they have to be dispatched and sent to the international trading partners and if we lose that it would be bad for the country.

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