Saturday, April 12, 2008

‘5000 jobs for Athlone, Langa and other areas’ - Rasool

By Celeste Ganga
12 April 2008

Western Cape Premier Ebrahim Rasool said at an Imbizo held at the Athlone Civic Centre on Friday night, that at least 5 000 of the 40 000 jobs to be created through the expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) this financial year- should be allocated to the residents of the greater Athlone area to alleviate poverty.

Rasool was responding to pleas of employment opportunities from the 450 residents who attended the Imbizo to interact with the provincial Cabinet. He was joined by MEC for Cultural Affairs and Tourism-Whitey Jacobs, MEC for Local Government and Housing- Richard Dyantyi and ward councillors.

“He (Rasool) also promised that training and identification of people that are not employed will be undertaken shortly- to ensure that they do take part and benefit from EPWP to be rolled out this financial year,” says Mandla Yeki of Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport.

Rasool also said that R35 million of the R120 million construction project of the Department of Transport would be allocated to small contractors from the greater Athlone area. The greater Athlone area includes Langa, Hanover Park, Gugulethu, Manenberg, Bonteheuwel, Heideveld, Bokmakerrie and Q-town.

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