Friday, April 18, 2008

Kayamandi residents to receive houses

By Celeste Ganga
18 April 2008

The MEC for Local Government and Housing, Richard Dyantyi will be joined by the Executive Mayor of the Stellenbosch municipality- Patrick Swarts on Friday who will be handing over houses in Watergang, a new precinct within the Kayamandi area (Stellenbosch).

“The symbolic hand over by the MEC will include houses that are earmarked for elderly people and physically disabled people, respectively. The MEC will also hand over a duplex unit, which is the entirely new concept within the Kayamandi housing landscape,” says spokesperson for the Department Vusi Tshose.

He adds that the entire project consists of 522 houses to be built. The value of the project is R14 397 000, “the project commenced in September 2007 and 115 houses are now complete. Another 200 houses are in various stages of completion and will be handed (over) in the following months”.

Tshose explains that this revisit to planning in Kayamandi resulted in the Kayamandi Urban Renewal and Revitalisation Plan (KURP) or commonly known as the Kayamandi Master Plan.

“The KURP consists of various projects such as the neighbourhood revitalisation programme, sport revitalisation programme, the town centre revitalisation programme and the Kyamandi Economic Tourism Corridor,” says Tshose.

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