Friday, April 25, 2008

Dugmore says WCED is preparing young South Africans for democracy

By Rhodé Marshall
25 April 2008

The Western Cape MEC for Education Cameron Dugmore says although schools could do more to educate learners about democracy, that his department is not failing in the task to do so.

At a debate organised by the Harold Wolpe Memorial Trust and Shikaya – a non-profit organisation – discussions took place of how to promote and develop compassionate and caring young people in order to prevent future violence.

“It is important for learners to be politically literate, that is to know and understand democratic processes. The importance of volunteerism, social service and involvement in a democratic society are emphasised, and the causes, consequences and prevention of pervasive social ills such as violence and abuse,” says Dugmore.

The MEC says learners can learn about democracy through the Representative Council of Learners (RCL) who he has witnessed to be students with strong leadership qualities.

“Our learners through the RCL can play important roles in promoting a positive attitude to the school environment. This includes applying peer pressure on those who have no concern for the interests of others and persist in denying others the right to quality education,” explains Dugmore.

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