Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Erasmus Commission delays again

By Henry Booysen
15 April 2008

After a failed attempt by the City of Cape Town to have the Erasmus Commission activities suspended yesterday, another urgent application has led to the Commission being adjourned earlier than normal today.

In today’s proceedings the Commission heard the testimony of Senior Superintendent Lesley Swiegelaar who was testifying about his role in the spy saga.

The Commission was then interrupted by Lawyer Ron Paschke who represents the city manager and city speaker in a bid to have the proceedings delayed by two weeks, but his application was dismissed.

Anwar Isaacs the former community member had to testify this morning but his testimony was postponed until next month as lawyers of the City said that they were not provided with his affidavits in time.

The outcome of the urgent interdict that is being launched by the City will be heard in the Cape High Court tomorrow.

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