Thursday, April 24, 2008

Koeberg Interchange starting date announced - UPDATE

By Rhodé Marshall
24 April 2008

The Western Cape Department for Transport and Public Works has announced May 8, as the starting day for the long awaited makeover of the Koeberg Interchange.

“Over the next 24 months, my Department’s road division will be spending R690-million on a project that will dramatically ease traffic flow congestion – into 2010 and beyond,” says MEC Marius Fransman.

The Minister says that Koeberg mirrors a new approach by his Department to the construction industry.

“I am tired – and I’m not shy to say this – gatvol – of the slow pace of transformation in this industry. We’ve been talking nicely to those we’ve considered role players about our vision for this province, and some of them have been standing next to us on podiums, smiling and holding our hands, and saying: ‘Let us move forward together for the benefit of all the citizens of the Western Cape. But what has been the reality?” explains Fransman.

He says Koeberg has given them the opportunity to give recognition to the skills levels that are known in the Western Cape.

“This time, we intend using that opportunity – to benefit as many people as possible in this province, and to enhance the main objectives of the government that I represent.”

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