Tuesday, April 15, 2008

’90% of South Africans oppose abortion-on-demand’ - survey

By Celeste Ganga
15 April 2008

A recent survey conducted by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) shows that nine out of ten adults view an abortion as ‘wrong’ if it is for economic reasons. A similar attitude was shown among 75% of South Africans, even if there is a strong chance of the baby being born with a defect.

Since the initiation of the abortion legislation, Doctors for Life International (DFL) has been warning law makers that the public doesn’t support abortion-on-demand.

“We think that the study conducted (four studies over four years) is significant. However, we have been saying this for a very long time, since the inception of the Abortion Act in 1997- we’ve been saying that the legalisation of abortion is not consistent with democracy- this research really conclusively shows that,” says Legal spokesperson for DFL, Martus de Wet.

He adds that this research is now consistent with other studies published in 2004 which also showed that a high percentage of people are also against abortion.

The research also shows that approximately 25% of women who have abortions suffer from post-abortion syndrome, a recognised psychological condition.
For more information on the survey conducted by the HSRC visit http://www.hsrc.ac.za/HSRC_Review_Article-83.phtml

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