Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Cosatu demanding Zimbabwe Electoral Commission to release results

By Ilhaam Hoosain
08 April 2008

The Congress of South African Trade Unions demands the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission to immediately release the results of the countries Presidential elections held at the end of last month.

Patrick Craven spokesperson says that they are concerned at the long delay of the announcements. He says it immediately raises suspicions.

“People are being remarkably patient. We becoming more and more concerned the longer this delay lasts.

“The suspicion will be there that the government is trying to avoid accepting the will of the people, as expressed in the election by suppressing the results and claiming that it is an incorrect results and that way justify remaining in office,” says Craven.

Cosatu is appealing for everyone in Zimbabwe and to the international community to put pressure on the government and the electoral commission to announce these results as quickly as possible so that we know what the people view is and so that democracy can take its course.

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