Monday, April 14, 2008

Community Information Network

By Celeste Ganga
14 April 2008

# The Homeless People Sanctuary invites the unemployed and homeless to apply for sewing, candlemaking, soapmaking and lifeskills programmes. Apply at the Retreat Community Hall at Concert Boulevard, Retreat. If you are interested contact 021 702 0462

# The Young Ones Jazz Band will be holding a disco music evening at the Portland Community Hall, on the corner of Merrydale and Silversands avenues, Portland Mitchells Plain on Friday 25 April at 8pm. Tickets cost R20.For more details call Mr Solomons on 021 372 1980

# Mannenberg Rangers Rugby and Softball Club will host their annual carnival on the 30th and 31st of May, which is a Friday and Saturday at 3rd Avenue Sherwood Park. Entry is R5 for adults and R3 for children. Stalls are available for more information call 021 692 4608

# Looking to lose a few kilos and getting fit the fun way? Well then move along to the Salt River Community hall and join Taebo classes which are held every Monday evening from 17:30 – 18:30. The cost of the classes is only R10. For more info call Nawaal on 021 447 8894

If you would like our community information network to advertise your community notice, submit a paragraph detailing the information of your event or project. Send those details to or fax them to 021 448 5451. You can even give us a call on 021 448 5450. Don’t forget advertising is absolutely free!

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