Friday, April 18, 2008

Community Information Network

By Celeste Ganga
18 April 2008


# Rag a non-governmental organisation dealing with the socio-economic reality in the Western Cape- will be hosting a computer course. The courses will be held at 9 Klipfontein Road- which is the Saartjie Baartman Centre in Athlone. It runs from the 5th of May to 14 June. For more information call 021 633 5167

# Cafda Bakery in 8th Avenue Grassy Park produces nutritious bread which cost R4 a loaf and has a long shelf life. Individuals, businesses or organisations can buy bread directly from the bakery. If you want to know more, call Mrs M Naidoo on 021 706 2050 for details

# The Denver and Renee Andreas Youth Club (DRAYC) will be hosting a carnival under the theme ‘Celebrating Freedom Day’- the carnival will take place on the 1st to the 3rd of May. It will take place at Akkerndale Primary School ground in Kraaifontein. The aim of the event is to raise funds for their organisation. Their vision is to establish youth clubs and build youth centres. For more information call Lynnecia on 021 946 1505 or 084 381 6958 or email

# Eric Miles Cheshire Home for the disabled at 18 Cosair Road, Sandriff needs volunteers to help in their second hand clothing shop. They also need donations of good quality second hand clothing. If you think you can assist call Mel on 083 543 6272 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 10am and 3pm and Saturdays between 10am and 1pm or call the Home on 021 55 22 120.

#Looking to lose a few kilos and getting fit the fun way? Well then move along to the Salt River Community hall and join Taebo classes which are held every Monday evening from 17:30 – 18:30. The cost of the classes is only R10. For more info call Nawaal on 021 447 8894

If you would like our community information network to announce your community notice, submit a paragraph detailing the information of your event or project. Send those details to or fax them to 021 448 5451. You can even give us a call on 021 448 5450. Don’t forget notices that can uplift the community in any way- will be announced free of charge

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