Friday, December 02, 2011

Europe to consider second commitment period-UNFCCC #COP17

Xolelwa Mvumvu
02 December 2011

The secretary of United Framework Convention On Climate Change, Christiana Figueres says the European Union has offered to consider a second commitment of the Kyoto protocol.

Speaking at the ICC in Durban Figueres says this has been viewed seriously because they said they will consider certain conditions. She said Kyoto Protocol has been the centre of discussion for the first week in Durban.

Figueres added that the presidency has called two Indaba meetings. She says Indaba is a Zulu word they learnt which means a meeting of elders where they meet to talk about important decisions.

She concluded by saying the Ministers and the Heads of State will start arriving for the high level segment on Tuesday, where they will be giving speeches.

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