Sunday, December 02, 2012

National Union Of Mineworkers joined in the commemoration of World Aids Day

Imogen Vollenhoven
2 December 2012

 The National Union of Mineworkers joined South Africa in commemorating world Aids Day.

The NUM said it is particularly impressed with the progress made by the government in its fight against the pandemic.

 The union also said that it will continue with its campaign of encouraging its members and society at large to heed the call to test and live positive lifestyles.

Seshoka adds that they are particylarly pleased with the commemorating worlds Aids and joining millions of globally, they have seen sufficient progress in the prevention and testing of the public.

He said they are encouraged by the attitude of government in dealing and tackling this pandemic heads on.

He also said that they are seeing new and efficient progress in terms of dealing with stigma.

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