Monday, August 31, 2015

DA to announce steps against Jiba

Melon Radebe
31 August 2015

The Democratic Alliance will today announce further steps that the DA will be taking with regard to Deputy National Director of Public Prosecutions, Nomgcobo Jiba.

This follows President Zuma’s failure to accede to the DA’s request to institute an inquiry into her fitness to hold the office of a Deputy NDPP.

Spokesperson to the DA leader, Mabine Seabe said, “The National Prosecuting Authorities is a key institution system in the legal justice system. As such it should be an institution that is run well and unpoliticized.” 

10 people died on the Western Cape roads

Melon Radebe
31 August 2015

Western Cape Traffic Authorities conducted 24 roadblocks across the province this past weekend and 2 366 vehicles were stopped and checked.

1 455 drivers were tested for alcohol and 23 drunken drivers were arrested during the roadblocks.

Provincial Traffic Chief Kenny Africa said, “We also tested the speed 756 vehicles, of which we prosecuted 116 drivers were prosecuted for exceeding the different speed limits. The highest speeding record in the Western Cape Province since yesterday was a 174 in a 120 zone on the M1 just outside Beaufort West.”

Meanwhile, there were 10 fatalities were recorded on the roads.

Africa said a collision involving a taxi and a motor vehicle left two people dead.

Three people killed in collision on N2

Rentse Khiba
31 August 2015

Three people were killed in a collision on the N2 close to the Macassar offramp in Western Cape.

ER24 spokesperson Pieter Rossouw reported that the collision occurred around midnight and involved only one vehicle.

Rossouw mentioned the road was wet and the vehicle allegedly lost control at a slight bend and collided with a traffic safety pole.  The vehicle split in half, killing all three passengers.

ER24 paramedics attended the scene, but unfortunately there was nothing that could be done for the patients

The cause of the incident remains unknown however local authorities were on scene for further investigations.

Medupi Unit 6 officially opened

Rentse Khiba
31 August 2015

Eskom’s Medupi Unit 6 has officially been opened by President Jacob Zuma on Sunday.

Eskom said, during this period unit 6 has been able to alleviate pressure on the national electricity system, helping to either avoid load shedding altogether or minimize its severity.

The unit will pump a much-needed 800 megawatts into the country's electricity supply.

President Zuma says the economy will benefit from the switch-on.

Meanwhile, Koeberg's Unit 2 will be offline for three months of scheduled maintenance, starting on Tuesday.

It will see about 930 megawatts taken off the grid.

Eskom spokesperson Khulu Phasiwe reported that this unit is now available for use on a daily or regular basis.

“As a result it is giving us 800 megawatts, which are being used in an effort to make sure we keep the lights on.” Phasiwe added

Woman critical after hit-and-run

Rentse Khiba
31 August 2015

A woman in her 30’s is in a critical condition after she was hit by a vehicle in the early hours of the morning on the R41 in Kagiso, West of Johannesburg.

ER24 Spokesperson Russel Meiring reported, ER24 paramedics were called to the scene by provincial services, and on arrival, found the patient being treated by paramedics.

On further assessment, paramedics found the patient had sustained a serious injury to her head and legs.

“Treatment and advanced life support interventions were performed on the patient before she was transported to Johannesburg General Hospital for further treatment” Meiring added.

The vehicle that apparently hit the woman was not found on the scene.

Local authorities were on scene for further investigation.

COPE welcomes the Medupi Unit 6

Rentse Khiba
31 August 2015

The Congress of the People heartily welcomes the coming on line of Unit 6 at Medupi Power Station.

Cope says it is very much grateful for small mercies and hopefully for the possible end of load shedding.

Cope spokesperson Dennis Bloem says, for South Africa to succeed in providing adequate electricity, government and Eskom must attract very capable and highly qualified people.

He said cadre deployment must come to a sudden and immediate end.

Bloem added that COPE hopes that this load-shedding that the country is facing will come to an end.

“We really want it to come to an end because it is crippling the economy of the country.”

Bloem mentioned that they expect the President and his government not to come with empty promises.

"We want the government to look at other means of generating electricity and energy," Bloem added.

MEC Fritz hands over 60 youth skills transfer programme certificates

Mbasa Gqokoma
31 August 2015

On Sunday the Western Cape MEC of social development, Albert Fritz handed over graduation certificates to 60 young people form the west coast region, who completed the youth skills transfer programme.

MEC Albert Fritz said, “The department of social development and specifically the ministry of social development by myself, launched a youth skills transfer programme to have all those young people on farms who are unemployed and not in school at the moment to get them trained into a specific skill.”

The Ministry of Social Development hopes to enable these young people by generating their own income and in turn the government will use their services to provide the City of Cape Town with whatever is needed.

There is a need for such skills specifically in events management, marketing and most importantly our outreach programmes, Fritz added.

The young participants come from the communities of Vredenburg and Vredendal and they underwent training and workshops offered in two blocks each day, for five days.

A man in a serious condition after he was shot twice in the chest

Mbasa Gqokoma
31 August 2015

A man in his 30’s is in a serious condition after he sustained two gunshot wounds to his chest on the N1 Highway near the Allendale turn-off in Midrand.

ER24 Spokesperson Russel Meiring said paramedics responded to the scene where they found the light motor vehicle parked against the roadside barrier.

He said on assessment, paramedics found that the man had sustained two gunshot wounds to his chest and was in a serious condition.

Meiring added that treatment and advancement life support interventions were performed on the patient before he was transported to Johannesburg General Hospital for urgent treatment.

The incident was reported to local authorities for further investigations.

MEC Winde to host tourism month briefing

Rentse Khiba
31 August 2015

As part of MEC Winde’s tourism month programme the MEC of economic opportunities will table the Western Cape’s growth strategy for the provinces tourism sector over the next five years to take place in Cape Town.

MEC Winde will outline project Khulisa’s action plan for the sector.
The objective is to add up to 100 000 jobs in the sector and increase its economic contribution up to R28 billion from R17 billion.

Spokesperson Bronwynne Jooste said Minister Winde is appealing to entrepreneurs in the Western Cape to take advantage of this opportunity.

The sessions will focus on the Development and strategies in key areas including marketing, finance and operations.

These sessions will be taking place across the province, Bronwynne mentioned for more information on these sessions entrepreneurs can visit the Western Cape government website.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Four year old found raped and hung

Rentse Khiba
30 August 2015

KwaZulu-Natal police have confirmed a four-year-old rape victim has been hospitalised after she was found hanging from a tree in Verulam.

 A case of attempted murder and rape has been opened and child protection has also opened a case.

The police's Thulani Zwane said it is alleged the grandmother of the child locked her in the house yesterday morning at about 5am when she was leaving home.

"When she returned back home she noticed that the child was no longer in the house.

She was found hanging from the tree and when she was inspected it was suspected she was raped" Zwane added.

The suspect is still at large and no arrests have been made Zwane added.

Sisulu to announce R1.5 million Housing opportunities

Rentse Khiba
30 August 2015

Minister of Human Settlements, Lindiwe Sisulu will host a national contractors and developers workshop to build partnership with the private sector for the accelerated Human Settlements delivery, this coming Thursday.

This workshop is a follow up engagement with developers and contractors after a 2014 Human Settlements Indaba which transgressed into a social contract for the sustainable Human Settlements.

Minisitrial Human Settlements Spokesperson Ndivhuwo Mabaya said the minister is going to be meeting with developers during the week to announce mega projects in this country towards the achievement of R1.5 million housing opportunities for 2015.

Mabaya mentioned that, “The conference will be attended by developer, banks, mining companies and all other stake-holders.”

One man killed and 16 injured in taxi accident

Rentse Khiba
30 August 2015

One man has been killed and sixteen other injured this morning after a taxi left the M13 and collided with some trees in Shongweni area , Kwa-Zulu Natal.

ER24 spokesperson Russel Meiring said, ER24 paramedics along with other services arrived on the scene and found the taxi wedged up against some trees.

It is understood that the taxi had left the road and crashed through the roadside barrier, it then rolled down the embankment and come to rest against some trees.

On assessment, paramedics found that one passenger, a man in his 20’s, had sustained fatal injuries in the collision.

“Unfortunately nothing more could be done for the patient and he was declared dead on the scene” Meiring added.

Sixteen other patients were found on the scene with injuries ranging from minor to moderate.

Paramedics treated the patients for their injuries and thereafter transported them to nearby hospitals for further medical care.

The cause of the collision is not yet known but local authorities were on scene for further investigations

AfriForum urges communities to protect themselves

Rentse Khiba
30 August 2015

Afriforum said that communities should take responsibility for their own safety.

This comes after more than 400 hundred delegates met over the weekend.

15 motions were taken by the delegates.

AfriForum Deputy CEO Ernst Roets said, “Although we appreciate the work that many police officers are doing, as a whole we do not have faith in the South Police Services to protect our members in this country, and therefore we will have to do more as a civil society organisation to ensure people look after their own safety in a more substantial matter.”

Other motions were if the Economic Freedom Fighters were to try to grab land then Afriforum would bring communities together to stop such an incident. 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

38 girls dead, 20 others left injured in Swaziland

Melon Radebe
29 August 2015

The Swaziland Solidarity Network revealed today that at least 38 girls and more than twenty one others died on their way to Umhlanga Reed dance.

The accident happened along the Mbabane, Manzini highway. It’s alleged that the media and police are not able to report this story.

SSN spokesperson Lucky Lukhele said “As a result of the open truck some of these girls were flunk out and those who were injured, some of them have lost their limbs. Their lives have changed dramatically forever.”

Lukhele also condemn the Swaziland government for trying to cover up the incident.  It’s alleged that the government has forced journalist not to report on the story because the king wants the reed dance to take place.  

Maties elects a new black SRC chairperson

Melon Radebe
29 August 2015

Stellenbosch University has elected Axolile Qina as the new chairperson of the Student Representatives Council.

Qina, a master’s degree student in Theology, said he intends to unify the campus with a new vision.

Qina said “My vision is to unite a campus by firstly having a paradigm of human conscious, where we are all human beings first and from that paradigm we’ll lead. And to ensure that we have a human conscious and mind set within leader structure within the university, where we think for the concern of all students. Ensuring that they have an inclusive and diverse university experience for the benefit all. So that all students can reach their full potential.”

DA calls for a full inquiry into Gupta plane hiring

Micah Loewinger
29 August 2015

The Democratic Alliance has called on the Portfolio Committee on Defence in a statement to launch a full inquiry into chartering of an aircraft owned by the controversial Gupta family.

Minister of Defence, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, leased the plane for Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa’s official trip to Japan.

Minister Mapisa-Nqakula maintains that no procedural errors occurred and that the plane’s provider, ExecuJet, was not obliged to name the owner.

“Why does the Minister protest so much if she has nothing to hide,” asked DA MP Kobus Marais.

The DA has also asked why South African Air Force planes were not available for Japan trip and whether the ExecuJet flight cost more than one conducted by the Air Force.

Friday, August 28, 2015

WC’s female farmer crowned top agri-entrepreneur

Mbasa Gqokoma
28 August 2015

A Western Cape female farmer, Tenjiwe Kaba, has been selected as one of the country’s top agri-entrepreneurs.

Kaba was named as one of the winners in the Female Entrepreneur Awards, which were held in Durban on Thursday.

Last week, Kaba won the substance producer category in the Western Cape leg of the awards. She leads Moyo We Khaya, a community garden in Khayelitsha tended by women farming with vegetables.

The Female Entrepreneur Awards is a partnership between the National Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.

Bronwynne Jooste said “Minister Winde has congratulated Tenjiwe and said she is a real ambassador for the Western Cape Agricultural sector.

Jooste mentioned that “she is playing an important role in food security and Minister Winde is pleased with her work and wishes her well with her role”

ANC accuses DA of weak education performance

Micah Loewinger
28 August, 2015

The Western Cape Provincial Parliament convened on Thursday, 27 August, to debate the efficacy of the Department of Education, following a surge of heated demonstrations throughout the region.

Within moments of his opening remark, African National Congress Education Spokesperson Theo Olivier accused the Democratic Alliance of failing to provide safe transport and functional school infrastructure for working class learners.

He concluded his statement by repeatedly demanding that Minister of Education Beverley Schäfer resign immediately.

In his response, DA member of Provincial Legislature Lennit Max argued that problems with transportation and infrastructure, particularly for students in rural areas, are remnants of the Apartheid educational system improperly addressed when the ANC controlled the Western Cape prior to 2009.

“The ANC only managed to replace 36 schools when they were in power, but the DA has already replaced almost twice as many schools, 56 in number.” Max added.

Max’s speech was frequently interrupted by swells of shouting, derisive laughter, and consistent murmur from frustrated ANC members.

Cope deeply distressed by the murder of a school principal

Mbasa Gqokoma
28 August 2015

The Congress of the People said in a statement it is deeply distressed to hear of the murder of Principal Nokuthula Magwanyana.

It says, this despicable and revolting act warrants the sternest police action and total nationwide condemnation.

Cope spokesperson Dennis Bloem says, the police must leave no stones unturned to find the perpetrators of this murder so that justice is done.

He said threats for her to quit her job and the spray-painted message for her to resign should worry all of us.

Bloem said the taxi violence must not escalate to our schools. We appealing with the Department of Education and the Department of Transport to really curb this thing because we can’t afford and allow this thing to happen anymore in our schools.

Three suspects arrested for possession of crayfish, stolen property

Loyiso Langeni
28 August 2015

Cape Town police have arrested three suspects for being in possession of crayfish, and stolen property.

Police Spokesperson FC Van Wyk said members of Border Police Cape Town Harbour received information about crayfish that was transported from Hout Bay illegally.

Two vehicles were identified at the premises and searched, with driver/owner in them. In the back of a Nissan Sani blue bags were found, containing crayfish tails.  The two vehicles and three suspects were then taken to Phillipi SAPS for further investigation.

“After the vehicles were searched, they identified crayfish without a permit – 1819 crayfish tails of which 282 in berry.  Various erectile enhancers, covering brands Kamagra, Cialis, Vigora, Viagra, Zenegra and some unidentified pills. Possible stolen property various jewellery gold rings and chains” Van Wyk added.

All three suspects age between 24 and 54 years were arrested and their vehicles seized.

The arrested suspects are due to appear in the Wynberg Magistrates Court once charged. 

DA calls on Muthambi to explain R 600 000 trip to USA

Loyiso Langeni
28 August 2015

Communications Minister Faith Muthambi allegedly spent over half a million on a nine-day trip to a luxury goods show and folk art festival in America.

Muthambi visited the Atlanta Lifestyle Hub Show and the Santa on July 8th.

It is alleged that Muthambi was accompanied by her bodyguard as well as her chief of staff and an Assistant Director.

The South African Lifestyle Hub in Atlanta is a permanent showcase of high end products for sale to the American market.

 DA MP Gavin Davis said this event have little or nothing to do with the Minister’s Communications mandate and the public deserves to know how she can justify this nine-day trip. 

WC Local Government MEC welcomed the 2015 Cape Floral Kingdom expo

Mbasa Gqokoma
28 August 2015

Western Cape MEC of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning, Anton Bredell, has welcomed the 2015 edition of the Cape Floral Kingdom Expo in Bredasdorp.

The Cape Floral expo is the biggest indoors fynbos showcase in the world and is a celebration of the Western Cape’s unique indigenous heritage.

Spokesperson for MEC Bredel, James-Brent Styan said, the province has the highest concentration of plant species in the world and that includes an estimated 9500 species, of which 70% do not grow anywhere else in the world.

Styan said it is just a way to showcase what we have got to the world and to the province and tourists really clock to these shows.

He added that “we have got other shows coming up in darling Hopefield and Clanwilliam later in the year”.

“We call on families to go visit and attend, have a look on what the show has got to offer. These are wonderful and beautiful things to attend” he concluded. 

Thursday, August 27, 2015

WC RTRU to mitigate economic impact of gas shortage in the province

Mbasa Gqokoma
27 August 2015

The Western Cape Government’s Red Tape Reduction Unit has intervened to mitigate the economic impact of the gas shortage in the province.

Western Cape MEC of Economic Opportunities, Alan Winde, said the Red Tape Reduction Unit had liaised with Transnet National Ports Authority to develop an interim solution to bridge the shortage of qualified petroleum gas.

Spokesperson for MEC Winde, Bronwynne Jooste said through the Red Tape Reduction Unit intervention, KayaGas was able to secure an additional four hours in Cape Town Port which means for the first time in several weeks they will be able to stock all retailers on their book.

MEC Winde says that “a reliable energy supply is important for job creation and growth and this is why the Western Cape government, the City of Cape Town, Green Cape and local businesses are working together to ensure that we have reliable energy supply”

Cosatu concerned about the economy

Melon Radebe
27 August 2015

The Congress of South African Trade Unions is concerned with how the economy has been negatively effeted. It was revealed that in the second quarter of 2015 Gross Domestic Product statistics that economy has been at a low.

Cosatu’s Jonas Mosia says, the manufacturing industry, which should be the engine of economic growth and job creation declined by 6.3%.

He added that, this comes at the back of massive job losses in many sectors of the economy, particularly in the mining industry. 

Seven people injured in taxi accident this morning

Rentse Khiba
27 August 2015

ER24 paramedics responded to an accident scene this morning involving a taxi and two light motor vehicles leaving seven people injured on Moshoeshoe road.

It is believed that the taxi lost control and collided with two stationary vehicles at a nearby petrol station.

ER24 Spokesperson Pieter Rossuw said, amongst the injured were five children.
Fortunately, all the patients only sustained minor injuries.

Rossouw said, “ER24 paramedics treated and transported five patients to Palenomi Hospital for further treatment.”

The remaining patients were transported by other services to the same hospital.

The exact cause of the accident will remain the subject of a police investigation, added Rossouw

Popcru welcomes conviction of Eight police officers killed Macia

Loyiso Langeni
27 August 2015

The Police and Prisons Civil Rights Union has welcomed the decision handed down by the North Gauteng High Court on the eight police officers found guilty for the murder of Mozambican National Mido Macia.

Macia was found dead in a holding cell at the Daveyton police station on the East Rand after being dragged behind a police van in February 2013.

Popcru Spokesperson Richard Mamabolo said they condemn any form police brutality.

“We would to urge the public not to necessary judge the police on the basis of this case. Majority of our police officers still remain committed to fighting crime and corruption and ensuring our communities are safer” Mamabolo added. 

Khuseleka One Stop Centre launched for Women’s victims

Loyiso Langeni
27 August 2015

The Western Cape Department of Social Development yesterday launched the Khuseleka One Stop Centre at the Saartjie Baartman Centre for women and Children.

MEC Albert Fritz said the innovative centre will cater for women who are victims of crime and violence under the victim Empowerment Programme.

The department has set aside R3.28 million to drive the 24 hour centre.

We are very excited because this is the first time where the will be a centre that women can access all the service of all the Departments including the Police, National Prosecuting Authority, Social Development at one place.

The Department has allocated an additional R357 048 for improved security for the victims and children. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Deputy President Ramaphosa says Japan trip a major success

Loyiso Langeni
26 August 2105
Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa has described his last day visit to Japan as a victory.

Ramaphosa is leading a delegation of government and business leaders on a trip, to Japan to promote South Africa as a preferred investment destination.

Ramaposa said in a statement that they see Japan as a country that does not only invest, but a country that also supports development. They discussed areas of co-operation through skills transfer.

He also said that they are making great strides in supporting the continent when it comes to skills development. They have invited or called for a number of young people around the continent to come and be trained here in Japan. They will be sending forty nine.

“The South African government on these types’ of visits seeks to make sure that we grow the economy of our country, we enhance investment. We push the skills development button and get as many of our young people to come to be trained in the countries that we visit because it is important to draw skills, as many skills as we possibly can. So we want to flood some of these countries with young people who can come and learn and go back home” Ramaphosa added.  

ANC condemns vigilante in Drakentein

Loyiso Langeni
26 August 2015

The African National Congress in the Western Cape has condemned mob violence and attack against ANC councillors in Drakentein.

This comes after protesters torched the house of Councillor Sanwabo Lumko in Paarl East.

ANC Secretary Faiz Jacobs said the community has asked the ANC and its alliance partners to intervene in some of the concerns and issue raised by the community

“We are asking the community to allow us to meet with all relevant structures to facilitate dialogue and find a resolution to the community concerns. We are asking the communities in the area of Drakestein to remain calm. Lets not take law into our hands” Jacobs added.

Four suspects have been arrested for the arson and  damage to property. 

Optimum to compensate Eskom

Rentse Khiba
26 August 2015 
Eskom said today it wants compensation from Glencore's mining subsidiary Optimum if it is unable to supply coal to its Hendrina power plant.

Optimum, which produces 10 million tonnes of coal a year, is under financial strain because it says it was selling coal to Eskom for less than the cost of production.

The business rescue practitioner said last week it has offered to temporarily supply coal to Eskom at the cost of production, higher than what Eskom currently pays, while a new deal is negotiated.

Eskom’s spokesperson Khulu Phasiwe said, “We have noted this report whichare claiming that we are pursuing some compensation and things like that. The only compensation we are looking at R2 billion which we have already communicated and this one relates to the poor quality of coal that we got.”

Body found on Cape Town train with bullet wound

Rentse Khiba
26 August 2015

Cape Town Police found a body of an unidentified man inside a Cape Town train carriage today.

Constable Noloyiso Rwexana said the discovery was made during the early hours this morning, with gunshot wound.

“According to information the deceased was found with a gunshot wound to his chest.”  Rwexana added.

The police are asking anyone with information that can assist in the investigation should contact the Warrant officer detective Herdine on the telephone on 073 220 0653

 Police have opened a murder case for further investigation.

DA calls for investigation of racial discrimination at Stellenbosch Uni

Rentse Khiba
26 August 2015

The Democratic Alliance says it condemns all instances of racial discrimination which aims to foster divisions in society.

This is after racial tensions at Stellenbosch University, which erupted last week.

DA’s national spokeswoman, Phumzile van Damme says, the DA agrees that there needs to be an investigation into this matter.

She said the DA calls upon all stakeholders including Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Higher Education and Training, the leaders of the university and the students to find each other in order to formulate a way forward.

“We are requesting that every allegation of racism at Stellenbosch university be investigated and not be swept under the carpet” Van Damme added.

ANC councillors to appear in court over a murder charge

Melon Radebe
26 August 2015

An African National Congress councillor in KwaNdengezi ward 12, Mduduzi Ngcobo and  PR councillor Luvelile Lutsheku are due to appear in the Durban High Court today to answer to the charge that they are responsible for the murder of Thuli Ndlovu.

The two councillors have been appearing in the Pinetown Magistrate’s Court for several times and had received a bail of Ten Thousand Rand each.

ANC spokesperson Thembani Ngongoma said, “’So far, the investigation of the police revealed that all this was orchestrated by the councillors of the ANC who are arrested and will appear in Durban High Court.”

DA concerned about the drop in learners who take mathematics

Mbasa Gqokoma
26 August 2015

The Democratic Alliance says it is concerned to find the number of learners taking mathematics as a subject at high school is decreasing yearly.

DA MP of Basic Education Annette Lovemore said this should be the cause for serious concern.

The Western Cape Department of Education is also focusing on encouraging learners to take mathematics and science, which are both gateway subjects for the economic development of the province and South Africa.

Lovemore said we are also very concerned that the pass rate is extremely low with only 12% of learners last year achieving above 50% in mathematics.

Lovemore said, something needs to be done immediately with great urgency. This mathematics is a passport for learners to a job and is certainly a passport to a more vibrant economy for our country.

She said “this is something the Minister should declare immediately her top priority and take appropriate action to address this”.

26 arrested in weekend raids in Eastern Cape

Loyiso Langeni
26 August 2015

Eastern Cape Police said they have arrested more than 20 people over the past weekend during Operation Fiela.

Approximately, 26 suspects were arrested for crimes ranging from dealing and possession of drugs, to public violence.

Police have also arrested 21 foreign nationals without permits and another five with expired permits.

Police Spokesperson Sibongile Soci said the community of KwaNobuhle was surprised to find the area saturated by law enforcement agencies and realised that Operation Fiela was in town. Search warrants were obtained to search several identified premises, upon searching a house in Oscar Mpeta Street, Kwanobuhle, a 31-year-old man was arrested for possession of Mandrax tablets valued at over R57 000, 00.

“In another drug spot in Bantom Road, police seized Mandrax tablets to the street value of R25 000, 00 and a large amount of cash.

A 51-year-old was also arrested in possession of Mandrax tablets valued R6 000, 00.” Soci added.

Soci also said three motorists, aged between 22 and 36, were arrested for driving a motor vehicle under the influence of liquor, while more than 120 traffic fines to the value of R42 300, 00 were issued for offences varying from driving a motor vehicle without a licence to driving vehicles that were not roadworthy.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Two killed in Durban plane crash

Loyiso Langeni
25 August 2015

Two people died when a light aircraft crashed into a sugar cane in Winklespruit in Durban.

It is believed that the pilot and a passenger were the only people on board.

Netcare911 Spokesperson Chris Botha said when they arrived at the scene they found the plane had gone down into a veldt and burst into flames in flames. The two occupants tragically died due to very severe injuries that they had sustained.

Exact details to the cause of the accident will remain the subject of a police investigation. 

Cope urges government to help fight AFD

Melon Radebe
25 August 2015
The Congress of the People urges government to deal with the problem of American Foul Brood disease in the Western Cape.

AFD is a disease that attacks bees.     

Cope is requesting that all three spheres of government get involved.

Cope spokesperson Dennis Bloem said “Government has to act decisively to protect the food industry as well as the production of honey and other bee products because it is threatened now. As we know that this disease is killing bees by their.”

Public Transport Voice welcomes PRASA corruption report

Rentse Khiba
25 August 2015

The public transport voice says it welcomes the public protector’s report about the passenger rail agency Rail Agency of South Africa’s corruption and maladministration.

In a statement, the organization says it believes that the government will take action and prosecute all those who are implicated.

Dalton Ndongeni says the Minister of Transport, Public Enterprise and Treasury should act quickly to intervene in problems faced by PRASA.

Ndongeni said “we are crying out to the minister of transport, Dipou Peters to intervene in what is going on in PRASA”

The commuters are the victims of what is going on, with the corruption and everything including the introduction of the new trains, having errors and everything.

“Those will show that there is a problem within the metrorail so there is a crisis within metrorail.”, Ndongeni added.

Ramaphosa in Japan

Melon Radebe
25 August 2015

Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa is on an official visit to Japan to strengthen and consolidate strategic bilateral political and economic relations between the two nations, South Africa and Japan.

Ramaphosa is expected to address South Africa-Business Forum Plenary round-table discussion on investment on energy.

Ramaphosa said, “Even in tough economic times, we are tackling the low level of growth in our country. We have embarked on really effective policies and we therefore spreading the word around the world that we are open for business.”

During his visit, Ramaphosa will also meet Tokyo’s ambassador, Yasushi Akashi to discuss peace-building efforts, rehabilitation and reconstruction in Sri Lanka

Security guard shot in Bryanston

Rentse Khiba
25 August 2015

A security guard sustained minor injuries after a shooting at a business on Peter Place Road in Bryanston, Johannesburg.

ER24 spokesperson Russel Meiring said, on their arrival, they found the security guard sitting next to his vehicle.

Meiring said, on assessment, paramedics found that one man had apparently been shot once in the back. Fortunately the man had been wearing a bullet proof vest at the time.

Paramedics treated the man for his injuries and thereafter transported him to Mediclinic Morningside for further treatment.

The cause of the incident is not yet known, however local authorities were on scene for further investigations. 

Slain Wesbank boy laid to rest

The little boy from Wesbank who was tragically killed whilst asleep, will be laid to rest on Saturday morning. Four-year-old Davin Afrika ...