Sunday, December 02, 2012

COSATU calls on all farmworkers to join a wide Agricultural strike

Imogen Vollenhoven
2 December 2012

 COSATU in the Western Cape called on farmworkers across South Africa to join a wide agricultural strike.

Workers are calling for one day of action across the whole agricultural sector across South Africa on Tuesday said congress of South African Trade unions Western Cape secretary Tony Erenreich. 

 He said in a statement that, despite their best efforts, the unions would not be able to avert a renewed strike by farmworkers in the Western Cape on Tuesday.

Two people have been killed and buildings and vineyards have been set alight so far in the protests, which started last month in 16 towns, including De Doorns, Wolseley and Ceres.

Farmworkers suspended the action until Tuesday on condition the employment condition commission relook at the sectoral determination for agriculture.

However, Labour Minister Oliphant said this week that the sectoral determination, which came into effect in March, could by law be reviewed only in 12 months.

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