Friday, September 06, 2013

NW Education Department prepares for 2014 academic year

Mluleki Mrwwebi
06 September 2013

North West Executive Council said it is optimistic that all schools across the province would have received delivery of their stationery and textbooks for the 2014 academic year before school close for the year-end in November. 

Exco said it is on track to deliver on it’s 2013/2014 Implementation Plan.

Spokesperson for North West Premier Thandi Modise, Lesiba Kgwele said in terms of the plan capturing and consolidation of requisition R329 million was allocated for textbooks for grades 9,10, 11 and 12 were completed by June.

He added that Premier Modise commended the provincial department for establishing the forum which consists of districts that meet on a monthly basis to discus challenges that face the curriculum. 

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