Monday, June 14, 2010

Refugee rights group fuming with provincial government over closure of De Doorns refugee camp

By Ofentse Mokae
14 June 2010

Refugee rights group, PASSOP, is planning a massive strike to the city centre tomorrow in a bid to raise their displeasure with authorities regarding the closure of the De Doorns refugee camp.

Passop claims that a lack of “meaningful engagement” with the displaced residents from government’s side to shut down the camp, is their paramount concern.

“PASSOP has made numerous attempts to express its frustration over the De Doorns camp to the provincial government through means of communication, to no avail,” the group says in a statement.

The group accuses Western Cape Local Government MEC Anton Bredell of responding to their frustrations with numerous allegations against them.

The group also claims that government, by keeping the camp open, is spending more than ten times the amount it would cost to assist the displaced and close the camp.

“Government cannot maintain the status quo of making the displaced wait indefinitely for the means required to continue their lives while wasting millions,” the group alleges.

However local govenrment officials have refuted claims made by the group.

The department's Hildegarde Fast says they have on numerous accounts met refugees, the community as well as civil society regarding the De Doorns matter.

Responding to claims made by PASSOP on money spent on the site, Fast says they (PASSOP) want government to give refugees money while the department makes means to return the refugees back to Zimbabwe.

The march is expected to start at the provincial legislature and proceed to parliament in the afternoon.

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