Monday, October 25, 2010

A woman killed in a rail accident

Lusanda Bill
25 October 2010

A woman was killed this morning after her car collided with a train at a level crossing near Paarl.

Emergency Metro Services spokesperson Kerry Davids said, “The woman was on her way to work at Shantay Winery and was in her 30s. She was declared dead on arrival at 8:28am. The passengers on the train are fine.”

The car was traveling on the Simonsvlei Road in Suider Paarl, which runs between Klapmuts and the R101, the old main road to Paarl. The level crossing is near the Paarl SPCA.

In August ten children were killed when a taxi they were traveling in jumped a safety boom and collided with a train in Blackheath.

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