President Cyril Ramaphosa delivered the eulogy at the funeral of ANC deputy secretary-general Jessie Duarte in Johannesburg on Sunday.
Duarte died on Sunday morning after losing her battle with
The 68-year-old Duarte served as deputy secretary general
of the ANC for nearly a decade and was a member of the party's national executive
committee for 25 years.
‘’And from the years of her youth to her final days, she
served the people of South Africa with dedication, with humility and with a
passion that is all too rare. She worked alongside great leaders of our
struggle. She learnt the politics of liberation from leaders like Mama
Albertina Sisulu, Oom Beyers Naudé and Madiba.’’
‘’From them she imbibed the qualities of revolutionary
leadership. Qualities that she was to demonstrate in every position she
occupied. Qualities that she was to pass on to future generations of activists.
Throughout her life, Jessie Duarte was an organiser. She was an organiser of
women,’’ added Ramaphosa.
Ramaphosa said that South Africans need to honour Duarte by
fighting for what they believe in.
‘’She stood firm against those who would sow division, who
were interested only in personal advancement, who pursued narrow interests to
the neglect of the needs of the people. Let us, in her memory and in following
her example, strive towards unity and common purpose.’’
‘’May you be comforted by the knowledge that the life of
this great patriot has inspired us all and her contribution will never be
forgotten. May we all strive to honour her life by doing everything within our
means, sparing neither strength nor courage, to achieve the free, united and
equal society for which she so gallantly fought,’’ added Ramaphosa.
Done By: Mitchum George
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