Friday, October 25, 2013

Police arrest four men for sexual assault and drugs in Salt River

Luyolo Kala
25 October 2013

Woodstock police this morning arrested four men for sexual assault and being in possession of drugs at one of the buildings in Victoria Road, Salt River.

Police responded to the incident when one of two women called the police to report the incident.

The four men are expected to appear in the Cape Town Magistrate Court on Monday, one will appear for bribery, two for drug related charges and one for sexual offence charge.

Sergeant Hilton Malila said the police confiscated heroin to the amount of R25 000 and they also confiscated money to the amount of R23 000.

Hilton added that during the arrest, one of the suspects attempted to bribe one of the police officers and he will also face a case of bribery.

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