Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Minister Gigaba says no extension will be granted in the DZP process

Loyiso Langeni
17 March 2015

Minister of Home Affairs Malusi Gigaba said there will not be any extensions given to Zimbabweans living in the country regarding the Zimbabwean Special Permit application process.

The department introduced the DZP permit to document Zimbabwean nationals whose stay in South Africa, and those who wish to remain in the country after the expiry of their old permits.

Minister Gigaba said thus far 162 256 submissions have been done with VFS, now the process goes in stages, the first process is to apply online that’s 208 000 people.

Gigaba added that the second process is to book an appointment that 206 000 people. The third process is the submission of your forms and the taking of your bio metrics so that your application can be submitted to the department of Home Affairs for adjudication.
Meanwhile as from the 13th of March this year the department has received 208 968 applications via VFS.

Minister Gigaba emphasised that it is not a given that everybody who has applied will receive a positive outcome.

He said that there have been 2 396 rejections based on three reasons.

"A negative police clearance, if you have no proof of unemployment and if you have no proof of business registration, those who are studying and have provided a proof of study and those after studying are now employed and could provide proof of employment have been accommodated.” Gigaba added.

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