Saturday, September 25, 2021

B97 taxi route remains closed for further 2 months

Western Cape’s Transport & Public Works MEC, Daylin Mitchell has announced that the B97 taxi route will remain closed for a further two months

The taxi route between Bellville and Mbekweni, in Paarl was closed in July after efforts to end taxi violence between the Cape Amalgamated Taxi Association (CATA) and the Congress of Democratic Taxi Association (Codeta) failed.

‘’In consultation with the South African Police Service (SAPS) and other law enforcement agencies, the City of Cape Town and the Drakenstein Municipality, I have decided to extend the closure of the B97 route, two taxi ranks in Mbekweni and an informal rank in Bellville for a further two months from 25 September 2021,’’ said Mitchell.

The MEC said that the arbitration process is set to conclude by the end of September, with the arbitrator giving the findings and report at the end of October

‘’We expect implementation to take place during October, but parties have the option of applying to make the arbitration findings an order of court, which will take time. A total of 229 vehicles illegally operating on roads between Mbekweni and Paarl but off the B97 route, have been impounded, so the situation is clearly not yet stable. The extension of the closure of the B97 route and associated ranks for a further two months will give the search for a lasting peace a viable chance.’’

Mitchell says additional Golden Arrow bus trips will remain in operation between Bellvillle and Paarl. Commuters will also be able to use existing Metrorail train services between Bellville and Paarl.

‘’I expect that extending the closure of these routes and ranks will help maintain the relative stability that was restored to the public transport environment in affected areas and to support the process of finding a lasting peace.’’

Done By: Mitchum George

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