Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Children 12 years and Older Will Soon be Eligible to be Vaccinated

 South African Health Products Regulator has approved Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine for use by children aged 12 years and older. The decision comes after a review of safety and effectiveness information for teenagers, which was submitted in March this year.

Vaccination campaigns have risen in recent months with a solid supply of shots secured just over 12% of its more than 60 million people vaccinated but health insurers argue vaccine hesitancy is now the main issue influencing the pace of the campaign. 

Pfizer which has already being administered to teens is planning tests on even younger children. Countries around the world are now considering or administering vaccines to children, while other vaccine developers including Moderna are seeking the green light for the use of their shots on teens. Government will continue launching efforts to persuade people to be vaccinated. South Africa has a large youth population nearly 28% under the age of 15 years old. 

Done By Lucille Dyosi

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