Monday, September 20, 2021

Endangered Penguins killed by Bees in Simonstown

 A swarm of bees has killed 63 endangered African penguins on a beach outside Cape Town, the Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds said on Sunday.

African penguins, which inhabit the coast and islands of southern Africa, are on the International Union for Conservation of Nature's red list, meaning they face a high risk of extinction

The protected birds, found on Friday, were from a colony at Simon's Town, a small town near Cape Town.

The area is a national park and the Cape honey bees are part of the ecosystem.

The South African National Parks said the birds were taken to the foundation for post-mortems and samples sent for disease and toxicology testing.

The foundation's David Roberts, a clinical veterinarian. Has said that after tests were done they had found bee stings around the penguins' eyes.

Done by Lizeka Tsotetsi

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