Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Over 90 000 Cape residents inoculated at CTICC

Since the opening of the ’Vaccination Centre of Hope’ in July, more than 90 000 people received their Covid-19 vaccinations at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC).

 The CTICC is currently home to one of the Western Cape's largest vaccination centres, after previously operating as one of the province’s largest temporary Covid-19 hospitals.

The vaccination centre is a partnership with the City of Cape Town, the Western Cape government, Discovery Health, and the CTICC to accelerate the vaccination programme within the province.

Between July and December this year, the mass vaccination centre is expected to administer over 750 000 vaccinations in Cape Town. Currently, close to 2 000 citizens are vaccinated each day at the centre.

Deon Cloete Chairperson of the Cape Town International Convention Centre Company (Convenco) said the only way to get ahead of the Covid-19 pandemic is to work together.

Done by Lizeka Tsotetsi


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