Monday, September 27, 2021

Western Cape to exit 3rd wave by 2 October

The Western Cape is expected to exit the third wave of COVID-19 infections by the end of this week. According to the SA Modelling Consortium experts, the Western Cape has a 100% probability of exiting the third wave by 2 October.

‘’This is welcome news for many – but we now also must ensure the next most vulnerable group, those 50-59-years old, also get to similar vaccination coverage to those aged 60 and older. Vaccination remains voluntary, but it is our responsibility to ensure we save as many lives as possible before the end of the year. This is a key period now, in-between waves, so we can  ensure these citizens are vaccinated before the anticipated fourth wave hits in December,’’ said Maret Lesch, communivations Head at Western Cape government of Health.

Additionally, there has been a low uptake in vaccinations this past week. 67.5% of the total population (719,673) over the age of 60 has been fully vaccinated.

''Over the last few days of our vaccination drive we have seen a reduced uptake of COVID-19 vaccination. While we realise there are some people who have concerns about the vaccines, we would like to re-iterate the vaccines are safe and have been thoroughly tested. The vaccines are guaranteed to offer you great protection from getting severely ill and possibly dying from COVID-19,'' said Lesch.


Lesch gives tips on how to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before Christmas arrives:

·        Receive you first dose by latest 20 October (to allow for the time interval between doses) 

·        Receive second dose latest two weeks before Christmas – between 1 and 11 December (it takes 2 weeks for your immunity to build up maximum protection after the second dose)

·        Christmas – 25 December


‘’Younger age groups can also get severe disease and are also at risk of “long COVID” – long COVID is when sometimes symptoms persist months after contracting COVID and this affects our ability to live normally. Vaccination also reduces the chance of spreading the virus – you as a young person can contribute to protecting older or other persons more at risk of severe disease by getting vaccinated,’’ added Lesch.


Done By: Mitchum George

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