Friday, September 17, 2021

Men pretending to be police officers rob a family

KwaZulu-Natal police are investigating a robbery and police impersonation after a Tongaat family were robbed by men allegedly dressed in police uniform.

Spokesperson Colonel Thembeka Mbele said the complainant alleged that after 5pm on Thurday just as he he arrived at his home, he noticed a vehicle that had pulled up behind him. He said two unknown males, dressed in police uniform walked up to him, requesting to search his premises for drugs and money laundering.

When the man took out his cellphone to call the SAPS to confirm, one of the men grabbed his cellphone and pointed a firearm at him. Mbele said the perpetrators then forced their way into their home along with other two other suspects in civilian clothing.

The complainants allege that he and his family were held up and the suspects, ransacked the house, took an un-disclosed amount of money from the safe, along with other items, and drove off in their getaway vehicle.

Prem Balram, from Reaction Unit SA, said the suspects are still at large.

by Everngelista Muza

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