Tuesday, September 07, 2021

The DA lays charges against the ANC top six

                                     Michael Cardo and Michael Bagraim of the DA
                                              at the Cape Town Central Police station.
                                              Picture  by Yandisa Qwabe 


The Democratic Alliance has laid charges against the African National Congress Top 6 over alleged ANC failure to pay UIF contribution to staff.

The DA was at the South African Police Service in Cape Town central on Tuesday to formally lay charges against the ANC Top six for alleged failure to pay UIF contribution to staff.

It was reported that Disgruntled Luthuli House staffers have claimed that the ANC has been deducting UIF contributions since 2018 from its workers but not paying it to the government.

“The ANC cannot be allowed to put their employees’ rightful benefits at risk because of the organization’s inability to manage its own finances. The DA therefore has no other option than to intervene and press charges with SAPS,’’ the DA said in a statement on Tuesday.

“Millions of South Africans have been battered due to the economic fall-out brought on by the Covid-19 lockdown, and ANC employees have been made to suffer for three months without pay”. The statement said.

Done By: Yandisa Qwabe

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