Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Free State and Kwa-Zulu Natal lose R463 for housing

Lusanda Bill
19 January 2011

The Free State and Kwa-Zulu Natal have had R463 million taken from them, by the Human Settlements Minister Tokyo Sexwale for failing to deliver.

The Free State will lose R263 million and KwaZulu-Natal R200 million.

The money has been moved to Limpopo and Northern Cape, two provinces that delivered on their targets.

Two other provinces that were also on the list for not meeting their targets, the Eastern Cape and the Western Cape are on the watch list and will be monitored.

Human Settlements Minister Tokyo Sexwale said "It is important to note that the R463million will be used to contribute directly to the housing backlog and the needs of the poor rather than being rolled-over and/or returned to National Treasury."

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