Thursday, March 07, 2013

Labour Minister ordered to resolve NTM challenges

Mluleki Mrwebi
07 March 2013

Member of Parliament of the United Democratic Movement Bantu Holimisa on Wednesday said he received a letter from the Gauteng Provincial Secretary Mr Silence Celumusa Vilane of the National Transport Management to the Labour Minister Mildred Oliphant.

It is alleged that the letter outlines the challenges that NTM is facing as a recently established trade union, which caters for workers in the transport industry.

Holimisa said the members of the NTM are a union that broke away from Satawu and they are not being recognised by some of the employers in particular Prasa and the South African Airways.

Holomisa added that the Minister need to satisfy herself to ensure that there is no fowl play in this exercise, because NTM has made wild allegations that they are being discriminated against simply because they are not affiliated to the ruling party. 

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