Saturday, March 09, 2013

Two people sustained serious injuries after their bakkie overturned

Imogen Vollenhoven
9March 2013

Two people sustained serious injuries after their bakkie overturned on the N2 North near the NP C cement factory this afternoon.

Netcare 91’s Chris Botha said there are indications are that the driver lost control veered of the road and rolled into a water drainage area about three meters below the road level.

Botha added that paramedics arrived at the scene and found the bakkie on its side with the occupants still trapped in the wreckage. After the injured were stabilized and extricated from the wreckage, medics immobilized them into a specialized rescue stretcher before hoisting them up the embankment.

Furthermore Botha said the injured were transported by ambulance to the Netcare St Augustine’s hospital for the care that they required.

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