Thursday, February 11, 2016

ACDP leader expects the President to apologise

Simamkele Vakaza
11 February 2016

ACDP Member of Parliament Rev Kenneth Meshoe yesterday said that, the ACDP expects President Zuma to apologise for wasting taxpayers’ money with costs of various investigations and the present litigations surrounding the Nkandla matter.

The President should have complied with the remedial action warranted in the Public Protector’s report with regard to his Nkandla homestead.

“As we know that when the President was given the recommendations by the public protector that He needed to pay a portion of the non-security upgrades”, said Kenneth Meshoe.

“He refused to do so and rather than paying, he decided to have various investigations”, said Meshoe.

He added that…“Which was costly now He was taking to court which costs another unnecessary expenditure”.

“That is why the ACDP believes that President needs to apologise for wasting taxpayer’s money”, He concluded.

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