Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Equal Education hopes Zuma will address inequality in education

Raymond Pani
10 February 2016

Equal Education Organisation says President Jacob Zuma must Re-prioritise Education
In just over twenty-years since the first democratically elected Former President of the State, Nelson Mandela, was elected, the quality of education and its system is still unequal to most South Africans.

Khayelitsha based Equal Education Organisation says, in his State of the Nation’s Address, President Jacob Zuma needs to re-prioritise education, Tshepo a secretary of the organisation said “what we expect of the state of the nation address from President Jacob Zuma.

One we expect the president to re re-prioritise education as the centre in achieving bright historic crimes in the country, improving their standard of education by providing adequate schooling infrastructure particularly in rural provinces like in the Eastern Cape, Limpopo and Kwa Zulu Natal.

Moreover we hope the president can apologise to the country for his handling of the economy during the Nthlathla Nene firing.”  

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