Saturday, June 30, 2012

DA- Riah Phiyega must explain her employment history

Mluleki Mewbi
30 June 2012

The newly appointed National Police Commissioner General Riah Phiyega says she does not have a conflict of interests in relation to IT Company XON.

XON Chief Executive Carel Coetzee said Riah Phiyega had no role in SAPS prior to her appointment, thus no conflict existed then, and no conflict exists now given the fact that she has instructed Kapela to sell her share.

Phiyega was the director and shareholder in Kapela Capital,a Company which is contract to supply IT equipment to the SAPS.

The Democratic Alliance`s Dianne Kohler Barnard says it is shocking that Phiyega`s involvement with the company was kept a secret.

She also said that Riah Phiyega must be called before the Portfolio Committee of Police to explain how this information was omitted on her cv.

Marius Fransman says the policy conference was a success

Mluleki Mrwebi
30 June 2012

The African National Congress in the Western Cape says the ANC policy conference that was held in Johannesburg last week was a successfully.

The party’s Chairperson in the Province Marius Fransman says the proposals raised in the conference could work towards improving the economy of the country.

Fransman says in the build-up to the conference there were many speculations from the media that the President will be under a lot of pressure in the conference.

He said that the conference showed unity in the party as well as with its alliances.

A Pilot was killed in an Air Show in Klerksdorp

Mluleki Mrwebi
30 June 2012

A pilot was killed when an aircraft crashed while taking part in the Klerksdorp Air Show in the North West province this morning.

Netcare911`s Spokesperson Jeff Wicks says the Air Force Viper aircraft apparently crashed while executing an aerial maneuver.

Wicks said that the aircraft burst into flames on impact.

He added that the cause of the crash is to be investigated.

SA National Defence Force Spokesperson Siphiwe Dlamini said the aircraft was an L-39 Albatros which does not belong to the Air force.

SA may reduce the number of provinces

Mluleki Mrwebi
30 June 2012

The Freedom Front Plus has described the ANC’s plan to reduce South Africa’s nine provinces to six as an attempt to take the Western Cape out of the hands of the opposition.

Media reports suggest that the ANC’s legislature and governance commissions proposed the provincial changes at the ruling party’s policy conference in Midrand.

FF Plus chief whip Corné Mulder says this will in no way improve service delivery in the provinces.

He also said that having many provinces is not the problem, but South Africa does not have efficient service delivery plan.
He added that cutting the provinces will not make any difference in the problems that the country is facing at the moment.

Three people died in an accident

Mluleki Mrwebi
30 June 2012

A head-on collision in the Free State leaves three people dead.

The accident occurred on the N1 about 30-kilometres from Bloemfontein early this morning, when a car collided with a truck.

The car burst into flames after the crash.

Paramedics say the driver managed to escape from the burning wreck with serious injuries.

Netcare 911`s Jeff Wicks says three passengers were burnt beyond recognition.

Wicks also said that the two drivers were rushed to the Pelonomi Hospital.

Commuters resort to knives for protection

Lauren Snyders
30 June 2012

It has emerged that commuters have resorted to carrying knives to protect themselves when travelling by train.

Metrorail’s Mthuthuzeli Swartz said if it is what is happening then commuters cannot do that.

He added that it would cause an escalation of violence.

Swartz said the police need to be given information on instances that happened.

Metrorail has deployed additional security on trains.

Swartz said if there are any points that they have not covered, they need to be told about it.

He has personally been on a train with security guards to inspect that they are working on evening trains.

Swartz has observed what happens on trains.

He said fortunately during the times he was there, because of the visibility of the police and security guards, they have not had instances of crime.

He believes the incidents will continue to happen sporadically.

Despite Metrorail’s best intentions to stop crime from happening on trains, it will happen from time to time.

Friday, June 29, 2012

The ANC condemns abuse of the national anthem

Lauren Snyders
29 June 2012

The ANC has said that they want an urgent investigation into artists and businesses who abuse the country’s national anthem.

The ANC’s Western Cape secretary Songezo Mjongile has denounced the continued misuse of national symbols and the national anthem.

The ANC’s Cobus Grobler said it is totally unacceptable that in this time, day and age people are still abusing the national anthem and other symbols in a way that is not on.

He added that in this instance KFC played a song whereby a drunken artist made a mockery of our anthem.

DA welcomes Xingwana’s call to reinstate Sexual Offences Court

Lauren Snyders
29 June 2012

The Minister of Women, Children and People with Disabilities Lulu Xingwana has called for the Sexual Offences Court to be reinstated.

Xingwana announced this at the ANC policy conference in Midrand, Gauteng.

The DA has been asking for the Sexual Offences Court to be reinstated for some time.

The DA’s Shadow Minister of Women, Children and People with Disabilities Helen Lamoela said it is with great relief and the DA has taken note of the minister stating the Sexual Offences Court will be implemented.

Lamoela said they sincerely hope the minister brings it to cabinet as soon as possible and to the attention to the Department of Justice.

Petrol price set to decrease on Tuesday

Lauren Snyders
29 June 2012

The Department of Energy has announced that the petrol price is set to drop.

The decrease is between 85 and 89 cents per litre.

The drop will come into effect on Tuesday at midnight.

Michael Bagraim the President of the Cape Chamber of Commerce said it is something we desperately need.

Bagraim said it is going to certainly help business and hopefully the taxi price will drop and hopefully some food prices will come down.

He added that every time the price goes up, we see how the petrol price influences food and all the other commodities people want.

DA to ask Mandonsela to investigate R2 billion VIP jet

Lauren Snyders
29 June 2012

The DA will request that Public Protector Thuli Madonsela investigate the acquisition of a new business jet for President Jacob Zuma.

They are concerned about the amount of money being spent by the defence department while so many South Africans are homeless.

The DA’s Shadow Minister of Defence and Military Veterans David Maynier said they can provide nearly 24 000 houses for families who do not have shelter, with the R2 billion being blown on a new business jet.

Maynier said there is something very fishy about the deal.

This is why they will ask Madonsela to investigate.

Solidarity: economic growth happens with free competition and cooperation

Lauren Snyders
29 June 2012

Solidarity is concerned over some things that are being discussed at the ANC policy conference.

Solidairty’s Piet le Roux said that is encouraging to hear that full scale nationalisation is not on the cards.

Le Roux said the problem is the underlying thinking in the ANC as ever, and that thinking has been, the economy should be dominated.

He added that growth results from state intervention.

Le Roux said that is profoundly not how economic growth happens.

He said it is a result of free competition and cooperation.

Missing Adult Alert : Coenraad James Knoll

Delegates supportive of second transition

Andiswa Mkosi
29 June 2012

ANC delegates at the on-going policy conference in Gauteng are supportive of the second transition document.

The delegates want the name to be changed. This according to ANC policy head Jeff Radebe who spoke to the media last night.

He explained that the policy is really a second phase of the first transition.

Radebe says the ANC commissions embraced the spirit and aim of the document on a second transition.

23 Police stations in the WC deal with more than of the crime in the province

Lauren Snyders
29 June 2012

Police in the Western Cape has identified 23 stations that together deal with more than half of all the provinces crime.

Provincial commissioner Arno Lamoer spoke to the media about the twin problems of gangsterism and crime.

He says identifying the troublesome areas means they can find the source of problems which will help police fight crime more effectively.

He added that for instance in the Nyanga policing precinct there are five block numbers that is a problem for police.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

CWU unhappy over fraudulent letter

Lauren Snyders
28 June 2012

The Communication Workers Union (CWU) has learned with dismay that people and former leaders who have formed breakaway unions in the SA Post Office and Telkom are now conniving with print media.

Matankana Mothapo of CWU said he is unhappy about the fraudulent letter that is written to their members by disgruntled former leaders of CWU.

He added that CWU will open a criminal case on this particular matter because the letter discredits the good name of the organisation.

Mothapo said it also discredits the good name of their leader.

Harris welcomes the president’s discussions on the job seekers grant

Lauren Snyders
28 June 2012

According to the DA President Jacob Zuma has apparently picked another DA policy and given it another name.

The DA’s shadow minister of finance Tim Harris said the job seekers grant appears to be a narrow version of the opportunity voucher that has been central to DA policy for a decade.

Harris said they welcome the fact that the president is talking about a grant to help job seekers to find work, to help cover the costs of finding work.

He added that this is something that they have spoken about under their opportunity voucher policy.

Harris said it is clear that the president is at least talking about another DA policy.

Protest against Israeli deportation and product mislabelling

Florentia Roman
28 June 2012

Asylum seekers and South African activists along with civil society organisations joined in a protest organised by PASSOP, Kairos Southern Africa and BDS South Africa earlier today.

The protest took place outside of the Provincial Legislature to raise awareness of the recent outbreaks of xenophobic violence in Israel.

Palestine Solidarity Group’s, Terry Crawford-Browne, said that Israeli governments have transferred over 700 000 illegal settlers “beyond the green line.” The purpose is to steal Palestinian land and water, and to make life for Palestinians that they emigrate. Administrative detention without trail for Palestinians as young as 12 years of age is common practice.

War profiteering by international and Israeli corporations and banks has been extensively documented by “Who Profits?” and other Israeli peace coalitions. Such war profiteering include the misrepresentation of products made in Palestine as products made in Israel, violates international labeling regulations.

The Russell Tribunal on Palestine also confirmed in Cape Town in November 2011 that Israeli government behaviour towards Palestinians, meets the legal criteria of the International Convention Against Apartheid as a crime against humanity.

The Representatives gave their reasons for condemning the actions of the African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP). They highlighted the issue on Trade and Industries Minister Rob Davies decision to re-label goods coming from the Occupied Palestinian Territories, a move that will enforce a distinction in product labelling between Israeli products and Palestian products.

Bruce Baigrie, Coordinator for Open Shuhada Street South Africa said that South Africans can help by signing up for the petition on their website and learn how to ensure they don’t buy mislabelled Israeli products.

You can sign the petition at:

Three die in Mossel Bay fire

Lauren Snyders
28 June 2012

The Western Cape Health Emergency Medical Services attended to a house on fire in KwaNoqaba, Mossel Bay.

Three children two males aged two and six and a 13-year-old female were declared dead on the scene.

The cause of the fire is not yet known at this stage but an investigation is underway.

EMS spokesperson Angelique Jordaan said a female adult is in a stable condition and was treated on the scene for smoke inhalation.

She added that the woman was transported to hospital.

NUM to hand over memorandum to Esofranki

Lauren Snyders
28 June 2012

Members of the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) will this afternoon be marching to hand over a memorandum of demands to construction company Esofranki.

NUM members want the company to stop forcing its employees to use unroadworthy vehicles and trucks.

NUM’s Regional Organizer Sello Elias Mfikoe said the one of the issues is about the recognition agreement.

He added that the other issue is the transfer of shop stewards.

DA concerned about brutal murder of 11 people

Andiswa Mkosi
28 June 2012

The Democratic Alliance says Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa is to blame for the brutal murder of eleven people killed through necklacing in Makhaza.

The DA has called on the police minister to take account for the murders.

DA Shadow Deputy Minister of Home Affairs Masizole Mnqasela says what happened in Makaza is a shame to the National Police and the National Minister should take responsibility.

Mnqasela says they are calling on the police and the community to work together.

Missing Child Alert : Gladys Gavaza

Section 27 awaits report from Department of Basic Education

Andiswa Mkosi
28 June 2012

Section 27 is awaiting a report from the Department of Basic Education on the delivery of textbooks to Limpopo schools.

The rights group says they have serious concerns that the Department has not met their deadline of midnight yesterday.

Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga applied for an extension of the June 15 deadline to deliver the books due to logistics problems.

Some schools in the province have been without textbooks since the start of the school year six months ago.

Missing Child Alert: Chamonix Barry

Six men arrested in JHB

Andiswa Mkosi
28 June 2012

Johannesburg police have arrested six men believed to be part of the blue-light hijacking gang.

The police’s Pinky Tsinyane says several blue lights, sirens and three rifles have been confiscated at a house in Hillbrow.

The men were found while the cops were working on another investigation yesterday afternoon.

Last month the provincial police commissioner Mzwandile Petros warned of the hijacking syndicate operating with white Golf’s fitted with blue-lights.

The five men are expected to appear in the Johannesburg Magistrate’s court soon.

WC bursary competition now open

Lauren Snyders
28 June 2012

The entries for the Nedbank, Western Cape Provincial Treasury and the Western Cape Department of Education essay writing bursary competition is now open.

The MEC for Finance, Economic Development and Tourism in the Western Cape Alan Winde said the competition is open for learners who are studying maths, economics and accounting.

He added that they are looking for the best performing learners across the province.

Twelve learners will eventually be chosen and each of them will receive a bursary to study to the value of R69 000 over the next three years.

Winde said nine of the twelve will receive a cash prize of R2 500.

He added that the top three will receive at third place R5 000, second place R7 500 and first place R10 000.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A biker sustains serious injuries in a crash

Lauren Snyders
27 June 2012

A motorcyclist was critically injured after he struck a vehicle on the Atterbury Road Bridge over the N1 in Pretoria today.

The cause of the accident remains unclear but will be investigated by police.

Netcare 911s Jeffery Wicks said that common cause of information suggests that the man was travelling along the bridge when he failed to avoid a slow moving car.

Wicks said he struck the back of the vehicle and was thrown from the bike.

The man was treated and stabilised on the scene by paramedics before being transported to hospital.

DA says government should target much higher economic growth rates

Lauren Snyders
27 June 2012

Minister Pravin Gordhan told an ANC breakfast that government will be working towards maintaining the 2 to 3% economic growth rate of recent years.

The DA said it is unacceptable and they should be targeting much higher growth rates.

DA Shadow Minister of Finance Tim Harris said they think South Africa should be achieving an economic growth rate closer to 8%.

He added that it’s obvious that the eco-equalities of the ANC are failing to allow SA to achieve growth rates similar to other developing countries.

Harris said it is a great disappointment.

He added that the DA will be tabling times to show how SA could be able to achieve much higher rates of growth than what the finance minister is committing SA to.

No injuries in Woodstock fire

Lauren Snyders
27 June 2012

A fire occurred on Wednesday afternoon in Woodstock on Victoria Road near Capitec Bank.

Fire and Rescue’s Craig Cyster said they received a call to the fire at around 12:57.

He added that when Fire and Rescue teams arrived they found a building alight.

The building has since been extinguished.

Cyster said there were no injuries and all occupants of the building were accounted for.

Missing Child Alert: Charmonix Barry

Court rules in favour of SAMWU

Lauren Snyders
27 June 2012

The South African Municipal Workers Union (SAMWU) has warned of a massive labour court case.

The court has ruled in favour of SAMWU and against local government.

SAMWUs Tahir Sema said many municipal workers are to get a salary adjustment and a back dated payment beginning in 2009.

Sema added that this is likely to level the wage curve that currently exists in local government.

He said that this is also to ensure that the lower income workers get paid more equitable and a more fair salary as opposed to their managers.

SA ranked one place higher than Iran on GPI

Andiswa Mkosi
27 June 2012

Concern has been expressed that South Africa is ranked only one place higher than Iran and four places lower than Venezuela on the Global Peace Index.

The DA’s Shadow Minister of Police Dianne Kohler-Barnard said they will request a parliamentary debate on the GPI.

South Africa is ranked 127th out of 158 countries.

Kohler-Barnard added that SA dropped 29 places from 98th in 2007.

EC ANC praised Zuma

Andiswa Mkosi
27 June 2012

The Eastern Cape ANC has praised the party’s president Jacob Zuma for the political direction he gave at the policy conference being held in Midrand.

The provincial branch says Zuma’s explanation of the need for a second transition underlined the need for accelerated change.

Eastern Cape spokesperson Mlibo Qoboshiyane says all members have to protect the reputation of the ANC against negative perceptions attempting to paint the party as divided.

The party was also described as having weak leadership occupied by lust for money, power and tenders.

Deadline for Basic Education Department

Mluleki Mrwebi
27 June 2012

The organisation that took government to court over the failed delivery of textbooks in Limpopo schools says it is hopeful Wednesday’s deadline will be met. 

The Department of Basic Education agreed with Section 27 that all the 5 000 schools in Limpopo province will have learning material by Wednesday.

The Democratic Alliance says it`s structures in Limpopo will be monitoring the state of textbook delivered to schools.

Democratic Alliance Spokesperson Mmusi Maimane says there still not textbooks being delivered in places such as Modimolle and Seshego.

Two men arrested in Mowbray

Mluleki Mrwebi
27 June 2012

Two men were arrested in Mowbray Cape Town on Tuesday.

The police managed to arrest the men after a car chase that resulted in the injury of four police officers.

The police Spokesperson Captain Fc van Wyk says during the chase the suspect`s car collided into a private vehicle and they ran on foot in different directions.

Van Wyk said that the police managed to arrest the suspects.

He also said on searching the car police found cash and cell phones.

He said the suspects will appear in
Wynberg Magistarate Court

Public Holidays Act debate continues

Mluleki Mrwebi
27 June 2012

The Religious and Cultural Rights Commission say they have completed public hearings on the review of the Public Holidays Act in three provinces.

The CRL Commission conducted hearings in Gauteng, the Free State and Kwa-Zulu Natal where several organisations made submissions for changes to the act.

Commission Chief Phegema Moreroa says some people they engage with on their debates argue that the current calendar is Western.

He also said that people want a lot of changes on the calendar in terms of the Holidays.

DA satisfied with Ngcobo’s experience

Lauren Snyders
27 June 2012

The Democratic Alliance will request that the newly appointed acting head of Crime Intelligence Chris Ngcobo brief the Police Portfolio Committee in 30 days on his strategy for rooting out the rotten.

The DA’s shadow minister of police Dianne Kohler Barnard said the DA notes with satisfaction Ngcobo’s experience in the service.

She added that they also take comfort in the fact that Ngcobo is believed to have a firm grasp on management values as well as undercover experience.

She said they hope he will seek to restore the reputation of crime intelligence activity. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Alleged rape victim was not drunk

Lauren Snyders
26 June 2012

Reports saying a woman who accused a New Zealand under 20 rugby player of raping her was drunk are incorrect the National Police reported today.

The alleged rape took place last Friday after the match between the Baby Boks and the Baby Blacks at Newlands Stadium in Cape Town.

The police’s Vish Naidoo said he attributed the findings to the nature of the crime being as traumatic as it was; they have contributed to the victim not having any recollection.

He added that the New Zealand media chose that comment and distorted it to sensationalise their story.

Naidoo said his up in arms in that regard and he refuses to speak to the New Zealand media on this particular matter.

Woman and infant die from carbon monoxide poisoning

Lauren Snyders
26 June 2012

A woman and her infant son died in a carbon monoxide poisoning incident at a construction site in Randhart in Alberton today.

The cause of the poisoning remains uncertain.

Jeffery Wicks from Netcare 911 said that common cause of the information suggests that a couple and their child were sleeping in an informal dwelling.

They were using a fire for warmth.

Wicks said they failed to extinguish the fire properly and it burnt through the night filling the room with carbon monoxide gas.

The family was found by a passer-by this morning.

The woman and infant were declared dead at the scene.

Wicks said her husband was treated and stabilised on the scene and was then taken to hospital for further care.

The man remains in a critical condition.

NUM tells the ANC to reject the mining sector blackmail

Lauren Snyders
26 June 2012

The National Union of Mineworkers is concerned over the current threat by the platinum sector to close mines.

NUM’s national secretary for education Ecliff Tantsi said their belief is that if the mines are not profited in the best price, it means that operators are making capacity to operate these mines.

Tantsi said that it would mean they won’t be able to operate, their licenses must be renewed and they must send their operations to people who can operate them.

The NUM advises the ANC, the state and the alliance partners to reject the blackmail and move forward in getting sustainable solutions to the triple challenges facing the country.

Missing Child Alert: Lucinda Laubscher

DA's Lindiwe Mazibuko addressed the Global Media Forum

Andiswa Mkosi
26 June 2012

Today the DA’s Parliamentary leader Lindiwe Mazibuko is addressing the Global Media Forum in Germany.

Mazibuko will speak about the need for political communications to check on social media and the means of transforming political societies.

She added that one of the most exciting developments for politics for the DA recently has been their increase presence in digital media and social media like Facebook, Twitter and MXit.

Mazibuko says it is important that social media be utilised in our modern ,young people dominated country.

Mpumalanga teacher fired

Andiswa Mkosi 26 June 2012

An Mpumalanga teacher who allegedly beat a pupil to death has been fired by the province's education department.

Education MEC Reginah Mhlaule says the teacher will at no stage be employed in public service to work with children.

The learner at a school in the Ehlanzeni district near White River was allegedly beaten with a broomstick on the 4th of this month for missing a day of school.

He died of his injuries four days later.

Botrivier residents take on the streets again

Andiswa Mkosi
26 June 2012

At least 44 people have been arrested following renewed protests over poor living conditions in Botrivier in the Western Cape.

Residents blocked roads into the town with burning tree trunks and tyres yesterday.

They then tried to set the local municipal building alight but the fire was extinguished by neighbours before it could spread.

Police say those arrested are due to appear in court on charges of public violence and damage to property.

No fighting took place at Rondebosch Common

Lauren Snyders
26 June 2012

It has been confirmed that at a gathering at Rondebosch Common on Monday, no fighting took place between police and protesters.

Proudly Mitchell’s Plain’s Sulyman Stellenboom said there was a lot of police but they claimed victory because there was no fighting.

He added that they went to the Common without any of their people getting arrested.

Stellenboom marched from Rocklands in Mitchell’s Plain to Rondebosch Common.

They then continued to Vygieskraal stadium.

Stellenboom said that they had an overnight celebration.

Today they will be serving a document to the City of Cape Town to highlight their grievances.

Minister Martins orders an investigation on the bus crash

Mluleki Mrwebi
26 June 2012

A Putco bus carrying 85 passengers crashed off a low bride en route from Sebokeng to Henley on Klip near Meyerton on Monday.

Transport Minister Ben Martins has instructed transport authorities to get to the bottom of Monday’s bush crash. 

The accident involving a Putco bus claimed the lives of 19 people and several people injured. 

The road accident fund will be assisting the families with funeral arrangements and the injured as well.

 Martin’s Spokesperson Tiyani Rikhotso says issued an instruction to the authorities to thoroughly investigate the cause of the crash.

Rikhotso also urged motorist to obey the rules of the road.

DA worried by the number of re-offenders

Mluleki Mrwebi
26 June 2012

The Minister of Correctional Services Sbu Ndebele on Monday said that it would have been too optimistic to think that none of the offenders, who received special remission, would re-offend.

The Democratic Alliance has said that two offenders are rearrested on average every day.

The DA’s Shadow Minister of correctional services James Selfe says these offenders are re-offending simple because they were not ready to be released.

He also said that the Minister has to come to Parliament and explain why is that so many people had re-offended after their released.

He added that the number of the rearrested re-offenders is too high.

UWC hosts health training course

Lauren Snyders
26 June 2012

The University of the Western Cape’s School of Public health is hosting a struggle for health training course for young health activists from around the world and Africa.

The course will run from 25 June until 4 July.

Professor David Sanders said the first event is a twelve day course for health activists from around the world.

About 25 countries are represented in the course.

He added that course focuses on health in the global context, what are the causes of ill health and also economic and social health system factors.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Rondebosch Common gathering sees communities from all over the WC

Lauren Snyders
25 June 2012

Community representatives from all over the Western Cape gathered at Rondebosch Common on Monday.

The crowd was addressed on various issues in the different communities.

Proudly Mitchell’s Plain’s Sulyman Stellenboom said the issues boils down to service delivery because every day when you look at news you see a protest on service delivery.

Communities such as Mannenberg, Hout Bay, Mitchell’s Plain, Malawi Informal Settlement and Delft but to name a few were represented at the gathering.

Stellenboom added that at the gathering they are going to throw the ash of all the funerals they had.

This will be followed by a celebration at Vygieskraal.

Stellenboom added that tomorrow they will be drawing up a document which they will submit to government.

CSVR: Torture still not a crime in SA

Lauren Snyders
25 June 2012

This Tuesday the 26th of June marks the International Commemoration Day in Support of Torture.

The Centre for the Study of Violence and Reconciliation’s (CSVR) Shuvai Nyoni said as a consortium, South Africa knows torture consortiums.

She added that this year they would like to highlight that torture is still not a crime in SA.

Nyoni said that currently there is a Bill that is before Parliament and it’s called the Prevention and Combating of Torture of Persons Bill.

This legislature will ensure that torture will be criminalised.

CDP calls on ANC to make responsible decisions

Lauren Snyders
25 June 2012

The Christian Democratic Party (CDP) has called on the ANC to make responsible decisions at its policy conference this week.

The CDP’s Theuns Botha said that far too many heated words have been spoken in the run up to the conference.

He said open ended calls for the second transition also does not serve to bring confidence in the ANC’s ability to do what is best for the country.

Botha said if the wrong policies are adopted, it would make it almost impossible for whoever is elected as leader for the ANC at the end of the year, to address the country’s economic ailments such as poverty, unemployment and the ever increasing income gap.

DA concerned over vacant building

Lauren Snyders
25 June 2012

On Monday morning the DA shadow Minister of Public Works, Anchen Dreyer visited the old Marshall Street police barracks with a group of DA youth.

Dreyer said they had placards showing the alternate uses the building could be put too.

She added that the reason for the visit is too highlight the neglect of the National Department of Public Works and how their neglect actually hampers service delivery.

Dreyer said they are sitting with a building that has been standing vacant for 20 years.

The building is also partially burnt down.

Woman allegedly raped by rugby players

Andiswa Mkosi
25 June 2012

South African police are investigating rape charges against members of New Zealand's Under-20 rugby team.

A 22-year-old Cape Town woman was raped on Friday night after South Africa beat New Zealand in the IRB Junior World Championship final in Cape Town.

A charge was laid on Saturday.

National police spokesperson Vish Naidoo says a rape investigation is on going but could not confirm how many players were thought to be involved.

Owner of fishing vessel offers 4 million rands for salvage costs

Andiswa Mkosi
25 June 2012

The owner of the Japanese fishing vessel which recently ran aground in Cape Town has offered to pay just over four-million-rand for salvage costs.

The SA Maritime Safety Authority regional manager Gustav Louw says they will accept the offer even though it cost seven-million-rand to pull the liner off Clifton beach last month.

Louw says they would get far less from a judicial sale because of added court costs.

He also says that the vessel would also need repairs which could cost more than eight-million rand.

85 people injured in an accident

Andiswa Mkosi
25 June 2012

In a bus accident this morning in Meyerton about 85 people were injured.

The cause of the accident and the events leading up to the accident are still not known.

Jeffery of Netcare 911 says that the driver lost control of the bus which swerved from the road and pushed off the bridge.

He says of the eighty five people 20 were still trapped in the wreckage.

DA wants answers on the misuse of funds

Mluleki Mrwebi
25 June 2012

The Democratic Alliance has called on the Minister for Presidency Collins Chabane to answer of the media reports that the budget for the Youth Day event was used as a personal slush fund.

According to media the Eastern Cape ANCYL Leader Ayanda Matiti misused the fund, funded by the National Youth Development Agency.

The Democratic Alliance Shadow Minister for Presidency Joe McGluwa says Minister Chabane must explain this to the public.

McGluwa says this is unacceptable, because the NYDA is not there to serve the interest of the ANC but that of the youth of South Africa as a whole.

Alan Winde to host sessions on Liquor Act

Mluleki Mrwebi
25 June 2012

The Western Cape MEC for Finance, Economic Development and Tourism, Alan Winde today will host an information session on the Western Cape Liquor Act for liquor license holders in Du Noon, Cape Town.

The Western Cape Liquor Authority’s Advocacy and Stakeholder Relations Unit regularly conducts awareness sessions in communities, with Community Police Forums, Ward Councillors and the South African Police Services.

Alan Winde says during these sessions, the attendees are informed by the Liquor Authority on matters relating to liquor regulation and address any concerns that may arise.

Winde says the session today will deal with the Western Cape Liquor Act, as implemented on 1 April 2012.

President Zuma defends the second transition

  Mluleki Mrwebi
  25 June 2012

President Jacob Zuma says South Africa will remain stagnant if a second transition is not adopted by the ANC.

Speaking at a party rally in the Free State, Zuma told delegates the transition is aimed at addressing the legacies of apartheid.

Zuma officially closed the provincial conference in Parys, where Ace Magashule was re-elected as the party's provincial chairperson.

The document will form part of the ANC policy conference in Gauteng this week.

Zuma said the conference was a start towards unity within the party.

He added that the second transition is the policy that must be talked about and practiced. 

DA: Minister must explain destroyed textbooks

Lauren Snyders
25 June 2012

The Democratic Alliance has written to the Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga, asking her explanation on a tip-off they received about a contractor destroying (shredding and burning) textbooks.

The DA’s Limpopo Education spokesperson Desiree van der Walt said they were not there but thousands of textbooks were being destroyed as well as clean unused brand new exercise books.

She said the heartbreaking story is that almost seven months into the new academic year, learners if Limpopo Province has not received their textbooks yet. 

Van der Walt said that while all this is happening, only a few kilometres away, all these burning and shredding of brand new books was taking place. 

Two prisoners arrested for extortion related charges

Two prisoners were arrested last week for extortion related charges. PICTURE: PIXABAY According to police, the two suspects operated from ...