Monday, March 04, 2013

WRC: 50% of tap water is being stolen, wasted or leaking away

Imogen Vollenhoven
4 March 2013

It was reported that the Human Rights Commission had received 144 complaints in the past two years about problems with the quality and supply of water. 

A report by the Water Research Commission showed that 50 percent of tap water is being stolen, wasted or simply leaking away every year in South Africa. 

Human Rights Commission Spokesperson Isaac Mangena adds this complaints coming from across the country especially in the rural parts of the country where some of the people were basically talking about the huge dams being built around their areas but supplying the mines or the farms and they don’t get a taste of the water.

Mangena said the commission will like to emphasis that eradicate water and sanitation facilities impact on the realization of other rights such as education health and dignity.

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