Wednesday, September 16, 2015

SACTWU press briefing on their Special Extended Regional Executive Committee Meeting

Rentse Khiba
16 September 2015

The South African Clothing and Textile Workers Union briefed the media on the outcomes of their Special Extended Regional Executive Committee Meeting.

The SACTWU General Secretary, Andre Kriel highlighted the actions they have taken in order to finalize their strike mandate concerning the Good Hope Centre being leased out to film companies.

Among the long list of actions are handing a memorandum over to the Mayor Patricia De Lile requesting for her to respond within seven days and up to date no response has been made by the Mayor or the City of Cape Town.

Last week Thursday SACTWU held their regional shop steward council to discuss this matter, 300 shop stewards were present and a decision was made on whether to launch strike action against the city of Cape Town.

However before a strike is launched SACTWU has to engage in a National Economic Development and Labour Council process, if that fails then SACTWU will take to the streets and mobilize the City of Cape Town through protest action.

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