Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Mixed reactions on new liquor laws

Mluleki Mrwebi
13 March 2013

The Road Traffic Management Cooperation today said it supports the restrictions on selling liquor on Sunday’s. 

This follows Kwa-Zulu Natal and Gauteng putting a total ban on selling liquor on Sundays which comes into effect on Friday. 

In the Western Cape a Liquor by-law has been introduced which decreases the hours in which alcohol can be sold.

The by-law, clearly states that any liquor outlet, irrespective of its licence must close at 2am as oppose to 4am.

 RTMC Spokesperson Ashref Ismail said according to findings of an independent researcher, more that 68% of accidents in the country are a result of drunk driving or pedestrians drunk on the road.

Ismail said they will support any initiative which aims to limit drunk driving.

The move by the Western Cape government has met with some mixed reactions.

Busa Mazula, owner of Zula Bar said this will lead to retrenchments, because by cutting two trading time you are cutting two hours of somebody’s salary.

Meanwhile Mayoral Committee Member for economic, environmental and spatial planning Garreth Bloor said the by-law seeks to strike a balance between the social effects of alcohol abuse, potential disruption and the reasonable sale of alcohol for the hospitality sector.

Bloor added that applications are open for those liquor outlet owners that want to apply for extension of hours.

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