Tuesday, November 27, 2012

ANC Women's League nominated President Jacob Zuma to retain his position

Imogen Vollenhoven
27 November 2012

The ANC Women's League has nominated President Jacob Zuma to retain his position as ANC leader at the party's national conference in Mangaung.

According to reports, African National Congress Women's League president Angie Motshekga President Jacob Zuma has never failed us as women in terms of the things that we want to achieve

However the league chose Cyril Ramaphosa to take over from deputy president Kgalema Motlanthe.

Several ANC branches, as well as the ANC Youth League, had nominated Motlanthe for president. He had not yet stated whether he would accept the nominations.

Motshekga said because the league had nominated Ramaphosa, it did not mean it was trying to malign Motlanthe.

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