Thursday, November 29, 2012

Department of Health: New anti-retroviral available from April 2013

Imogen Vollenhoven

29 November 2012

The Department of Health has today announced a rollout of a new anti-retroviral drug regime.

Health Minister Aaron Motsoaledi said the drug will change the way people take their life-saving drug. This comes after awarding a new tender to three pharmaceutical companies for the provision of antiretroviral drugs to begin next year.

Motsoaledi says the 10 year tender was initially set at 8.1 billion-Rand but the cost has been reduced to 5.9 billion-Rand, a saving of 38 percent.

Department spokesperson Joe Maila added that the Minister of health Aaron Motsoaledi has announced that the from next year April a new fixed doze of anti- retroviral will be available for use in South Africa, it will also replace the amount of tablets that one person must take on a day to day basis.

He adds that this means that people who use ARV’s will now be taking one tablet a day instead of three.

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