Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Intervention for farmworkers

Imogen Vollenhoven
27 November 2012

In the last few months South Africa has had to contend with a wave of strikes both legal and illegal in different sectors.

During a Media briefing today Minister of Labour Mildred Oliphant said the latest industrial action involving farm workers in the Hex River valley has had unacceptable levels of violence which led to the death of one worker.

The Minister adds that the initial Sectoral Determination for the Farm Worker Sector was promulgated in December 2002 in the government Gazette R 24114 as Sectoral Determination number 8 Farm worker sector.

This Sectoral Determination was repealed in 2006 after farmers approached the minister raising concerns relating to some of the conditions of employment in the sectoral determination.
The revised sectoral determination was therefore promulgated as Sectorial Determination 13 Farm worker Sector, South Africa

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