Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Home Affairs meddles in labours strike

Athenkosi Mvane
20 November 2012

People Against Suffering, Oppression and Poverty has warned tensions remain high and inflammatory public statements by politicians could spark xenophobic incidents in De Doorns.

For two weeks De Doorns became the epicentre of violent farm worker strikes that spread to 16 towns in the Western Cape as farm workers demanded 150-Rand a day minimum wage.

Passop Director Braam Hanekom said about 40 foreign migrants who were arrested during the strike could face deportation. 

Hanekom says striking farmers without documentation are being penalised because of Department of Home Affairs’ failing to give them proper documentation.

“They are intimidating workers into not striking, and it is leading to serious tension between local and foreign labour” he said.

“The Department should not be meddling with the strike as they will be responsible for the displacement of a large numbers of immigrants if they (the department0 do not stop what they are doing” Hanekom added.

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