Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Macia family assisted with travel documents

Imogen Vollenhoven
6 March 2013

 The family of the Mozambican taxi driver who died in police custody last week has been assisted by the Department of Home Affairs with a death certificate as well as travel documents. 

Mido Macia will be buried this weekend in Mozambique. 

Departmental Spokesperson Ronnie Mamoepa said both the death certificate and the travel documents were necessary to enable the family to travel across the boarder to Mozambique to give Mido a decent funeral scheduled for this weekend.

Mamoepa adds that in addition the department will also be providing members of his taxi association, who may wish to travel to Mozambique for the funeral with the necessary travel documents.

Furthermore Mamoepa said the handing over of the death certificate and other relevant travel documents to the Macia family follows a meeting held over the weekend between officials of the department of home affairs and members of the bereaved family in consultation with the Mozambican embassy in Pretoria.

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