Thursday, February 21, 2013

Fawu welcomes Trevor Manuel's dissaproval of Eskoms proposed tarrif hike

Imogen Vollenhoven
21 February 2013

The Food and Allied Workers Union has today welcomed the increasing disapproval from Minister in the Presidency Trevor Manuel of Eskom’s 16 percent tariff hike.

Fawu said the increase will have a negative impact on the cost structure especially for manufacturing companies but also for farms in trying to run their operations.

Fawu spokesperson Dominique Swarts said that as Fawu they feel that Eskom should learn to manage their resources properly and responsibly, so that poor workers don’t have to bear the brunt as a result of their outrages price hikes.

Swarts also adds that as Fawu they urge Nersa not to exceed this ridicules proposed hike of Eskom.

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