Saturday, November 30, 2013

Six teachers arrested for stealing food in Mpumalanga

Loyiso Langeni
30 November 2013

Police on Thursday arrested six teachers for stealing food from the feeding scheme programme. 

The teachers who are between the ages 40 and 45-years-old and who teacher at Gugulabasha Primary School in Mpumalanga allegedly loaded food in their vehicles. 

When police went to investigate they were refused the right to do so.  The police then went to obtain a search warrant which allowed them to proceed and search the cars.  

Colonel Leonard Hlathi said they found groceries that were stashed in the cars of the teachers and it led to the arrest.

“It is a call that we making to all the teachers around the country to say food meant for feeding scheme not for teachers to take it to their houses, but you need to give it to the impoverished communities because some of the schools were declared non school fee,” Hlathi added.

Apleni: Krejcir’s case considered up to the level of the Refugee Appeals Board

Loyiso Langeni
30 November 2013

The Department of Home Affairs on Thursday during a media briefing clarified issues regarding Czech fugitive Radovan Krejcir’s asylum seekers permit. 

Home Affairs Director General Mkuseli Apleni said Krejcir’s case has been considered up to the level of the Refugee Appeals Board. 

Apleni said they are dealing with him as an asylum seeker. 

"It doesn’t mean whether you are coming here with the visitors permit, you must engage illegal activities like crime.

Once you do that we will deal with you, as we are dealing with the South Africans as well that if I commit a crime as a South African, I am subjected to the laws of this country whether you are a foreigner national whilst you are here for a visitors permit or seeking for an asylum seeker or you have been granted a refuge status, Apleni added.

A man died and four injured in boating accident

Loyiso Langeni
30 Novemeber 2013

Netcare 911 paramedics and other services responded to a boating accident in Vanderbiljpark last night whereby a man died and four people injured.

Netcare 911 Spokesperson Santi Steinmann said upon their arrival on scene they found that one man had tragically lost his life, one man was found in a critical condition, two sustained serious injuries and one man sustained moderate injuries.

“The critically injured man was airlift to hospital by the Netcare Helicopter, while the other men received treatment on scene before they were transported to hospital for further medical care,” Steinmann added

Exact detail to the cause of the accident and preceding events are unknown, and will remain the subject of a police investigation.

Rapist sentenced to life imprisonment in the Southern Cape

Mluleki Mrwebi
30 November 2013

The Western Cape Police management said it is satisfied with another child rapist receiving life imprisonment in Beaufort. 

A 36-year-old was sentenced after he raped a 14-year-old girl in February this year. 

Provincial Police Commissioner Arno Lamoer said more than 50 cases of rape were reported this past week alone. 

This as the country is in the 16 days of activism of no violence against women and children. 

Southern Cape Police Spokesperson Captain Malcolm Pojie said hopefully this harsh sentence will deter would be rapist not to do this kind of crime.


Friday, November 29, 2013

The search continues for an elderly man on Drakenstein Mountains

Mluleki Mrwebi
29 November 2013

The Western Cape Department of Health Emergency Medical Services is still searching for a man who went missing on Wednesday. 

The man who is 80-years-old is believed to have gone missing in the Drakenstein Mountains. 

The search and rescue teams have searched for the past two days with no success. 

Provincial EMS Spokesperson Robert Daniels said the elderly man has two dogs with him and he suffers from Alzheimers.

He added that the search was called off last night and resumed again this morning and the public is urged to assist with the search. 

Competition Commission sets out an inquiry to probe Health care sector

Mluleki Mrwebi
29 November 2013

The Competition Commission has today announced that it has finalized and published in the government gazette the terms of reference for the market inquiry into private healthcare.

The inquiry will probe among other things the private healthcare sector to determine the factors that restrict, prevent, or distort competition, and underlie increases in private healthcare prices and expenditure in South Africa. 

The Competition Commission’s Deputy Commissioner Trudi Makhaya said the inquiry will be led by a panel of experts and it will be announced soon.

Makhaya further said it will look at various aspects SA Health care industry, in essence the purpose is to analyze relationship, asses the impact commission intervention and look at the nature of highest determination in the health care sector. 

Fifteen people injured in an accident in Bloemfontein

Mluleki Mrwebi
29 November 2013

Netcare 911 paramedics today responded to an accident on Moshoeshoe Road in Bloemfontein where by fifteen people were injured. 

It is believed that a minibus taxi lost control and veered off the road. 

Netcare 911 Spokesperson Santi Steinmann said upon their arrival on the scene they found that a minibus had overturned resulting in fifteen people seriously injured.

Steinmann said the injured were treated on scene before they were transported to a nearby hospital for further care and the exact details of the cause of the accident are not known at this stage and the police are investigating. 

A man arrested in Mitchell’s Plain for being in possession of an illegal firearm

Mluleki Mrwebi
29 November 2013

The Mitchell’s Plain police today arrested a man in his twenties who was in possession of an illegal firearm. 

Police were busy with crime prevention operation in Beacon Valley when two constables heard noises that sounded like gunshots being fired. 

After the two police officers heard the noise they went to investigate. 

Mitchell’s Plain Police Spokesperson Captain Rewayne Muller said the constables confiscated a 9mm firearm and arrested him. He will be appearing in court soon on charges relating to the ammunitions Act and firearms` Act.

Muller added that the management commends the community and the two members for acting so swiftly and mostly with the help of the community crime can be fought successfully. 

Department of Health responds to allegations of shortage of ARV’s

Lusanda Bill
29 November 2013

Minister of Health Aaron Motsoaledi said they are working to have ARV medication packaged and labelled with patients names.

Minister Motsoaledi said there will be challenges especially that there are 2.4 million people on treatment in the country. 

The ARV’s will be packed right from the manufacturer directly to where the person wants to receive them. 

Ministerial Spokesperson Joe Maila said we are still working on the programme and it will help us a great deal to ease off the pressure from facilities as to when people go to collect their medication.

Meanwhile responding to allegations by NGO Stop Stock Outs Project regarding alleged shortage of ARV’s in clinics Minister Motsoaledi said this is not true. 

Ministerial Spokesperson Joe Maila said the report by the NGO is misguiding this matter needs to be dealt with in a manner that helps and gives hope to the people who are living with HIV and Aids in the country.

Maila said we have the busiest HIV treatment programmes where we have 2.4 million people on treatment and therefore you expect some challenges in terms of logistics to handle such a big programme.

An accident in Polokwane claims the lives of two people

Lusanda Bill
29 November 2013

Netcare 911 paramedics late last night responded to an accident on Thabo Mbeki Drive in Polokwane whereby two people died and seven people were left injured. 

Netcare 911 Spokesperson Santi Steinmann said upon arrival on scene they found that a motor vehicle had rear ended a minibus resulting in two people losing their lives. 

“The injured people were all treated on scene before they were transported to hospital for further medical care” Steinmann added.

The exact details of the cause of the accident and preceding events will remain the subject of a police investigation. 

A 31-year-old man drowns in Camps Bay

Lusanda Bill
29 November 2013

The National Sea Rescue Institute late Thursday afternoon responded to a drowning incident at Camps Bay tidal pool. 

It is believed that a 31-year-old man disappeared underwater while swimming in the tidal pool. 

NSRI Spokesperson Craig Lambinon said a free dive commenced and during the search the man was found underwater and he was brought to shore, where advanced life CPR was conducted.  But after all efforts to resuscitate him failed the man was declared dead on the scene.

Lambinon added that police have opened an inquest docket and it’s not clear at this stage what the circumstances are regarding the cause of his drowning.  


A Zimbabwean man arrested fraud

Loyiso Langeni
29 November 2013

The Hawks in Johannesburg have arrested a 40-year-old Zimbabwean man, in a house in Sandton for fraud.

Hawks Spokesperson Paul Ramaloko said this man is believed to be linked to a fraud syndicate, allegedly creating fraudulent vehicle papers and retail accounts.

“He was found in possession of number of fraudulent documents of vehicles. and he is facing charges of over 400 frauds” Ramoloko added.

DA welcomes decision by the Oudtshoorn court

Loyiso Langeni
29 November 2013

The Western Cape Government has welcomed the judgment by Judge Schippers in the Oudtshoorn District Court.

Judge Schippers on Thursday dismissed the leave to appeal of MacPherson and other Oudtshoorn Municipality members.

Democratic Alliance Provincial Minister Anton Bredell said this has yet again paved the way for democracy within this country.

"We hope that the ANC council will adhere to the judgment now so that we can solve the issue in Oudtshoorn" Bredell added.

Cosatu condemns the rape of a six week old baby

Mluleki Mrwebi
29 November 2013

Congress of South African Trade Unions said it is appalled at rape of six-week-old baby in Gaeleshiwe.

The baby is fighting for her life in intensive care in Kimberley Hospital, and is undergoing extensive emergency surgery to repair injuries sustained in the ordeal.

Cosatu National Spokesperson Patrick Craven said just two days into the 16 Days of Activism campaign, South Africans were confronted with one of the most despicable examples of the horrors which they are fighting to stop.

Craven said South Africans should stand up together with law enforcement agencies to fight this scourge.


Thursday, November 28, 2013

Fawu denies that it intends to leave Cosatu

Mluleki Mrwebi
28 November 2013

The Food and Allied Workers Union today said reports that it intends to leave the federation of Cosatu are laying the basis to either expel Fawu from the federation or blackmail Fawu from pursuing its stance on Zwelinzima Vavi. 

 Fawu General Secretary Katishi Masemola said they will name, shame and isolate those destructive forces peddling lies about the union. 

Masemola said Fawu has noted the rumours that are being spread around and none of that is true because the Fawu remains committed to its principles and that of Cosatu.

Masemola added that they are still calling for the suspended Cosatu Secretary General Zwelinzima Vavi to reinstated and a congress should be held before the end of the year.

DHA calls for an end to the abuse of women and children

Mluleki Mrwebi
28 November 2013

The Department of Home Affairs has called for an end to violence against women and children this as a six week-old baby was raped in Kimberly. 

The department has called for more action to be taken as a nation within the framework of the law, both men and women to bring an end to this scourge working together with law enforcement agencies. 

Department of Home Affairs’s Director General Mkuseli Apleni said in this regard the department joins the government and the people of the country in calling for an end to the abuse of women and children.

Apleni said in Kwazulu-Natal, Eastern Cape and Western Cape there have been many reports of this barbaric nature that have occurred. 

Five suspects arrested for fraud in North West

Mluleki Mrwebi
28 November 2013

Five suspects aged between 20 and 32-years-old were arrested for allegedly committing fraud and theft activities between 2010 to 2011 in the North West. 

Three of the suspects were employed by the Department of Justice.  Another suspect that was arrested is an employee of the Department of Health as an emergency driver and another one is unemployed. 

Police Spokesperson Thulani Ngubane said two of the suspects were arrested on Wednesday and the other three were arrested this morning in different areas.

Ngubane said they all remained in custody and they are expected to appear in court soon to apply for bail. 

Over 3 000 people ready to mark NSC examination papers

Mluleki Mrwebi
28 November 2013

The Western Cape Department of Education today said it is ready for the start of the 2013 National Senior Certificate marking process. 

Ministerial Spokesperson Bronagh Casey said the marking process will take place under strict security to protect the integrity of the public examination.

520 mark checkers have been appointed to check the marks before they are uploaded onto a national database. 

Casey said the WCDE has appointed over 3 300 markers to mark the 800 000 paper exams and the marking is expected to be finished the 13 of December and then there would be a standardization process to take place at the end of December. 

Protection of Personal Information Bill signed into law

Lusanda Bill
28 November 2013

President Jacob Zuma today signed the Protection of Personal Information Bill into law. 

This act seeks to strengthen the right of personal information of South African citizens. 

Presidential Spokesperson Mac Maharaj said the Act will give effect to the right to privacy, by introducing measures to ensure that the personal information of an individual is safeguarded when it is processed by responsible parties.

Maharaj added that the Act also seeks to balance the right to privacy against other rights, particularly the right of access to information, and to generally protect important interests, including the free flow of information within and across the borders of the Republic.

WC traffic officials to be out in full force over the festive season

Lusanda Bill
28 November 2013

Western Cape Traffic Authorities said it will intensify its presence throughout all major routes in the province over the festive season.

Provincial Traffic Chief Kenny Africa said one of its main focuses will be on taxis travelling long distances especially to the Eastern Cape. 

Africa said the new colour sticker programme for taxi’s will allow them to identify unroadworthy vehicles and remove them from the roads.

“So what we intend doing is to put a coloured coded sticker on those taxi’s that we’ve checked, and if a taxi is not roadworthy that taxi will not leave Cape TownAfrica added.

A case opened against Popcru’s Steve Matsemela

Lusanda Bill
28 November 2013

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa has confirmed that it has laid a criminal case against Popcru’s Gauteng Provincial Secretary Steve Matsemela. 

This is after Matsemela publicly made a call for the killing of the Numsa General Secretary Irvin Jim. 

Numsa Spokesperson Castro Ngobese said this matter cannot be taken lightly because we cannot allow a situation whereby barbaric and cowardly call which threatens the lives of our members.

Ngobese added that they hope that the police will investigate the circumstances and the underlying reasons why Matsemela has made this public call.  The matter is no longer in the hands of Numsa but with the police.  

ANC Youth League calling for better service delivery

Lusanda Bill
28 November 2013

The African National Congress Youth League in the Western Cape said there is a growing frustration over lack of service delivery in the province. 

This is after talks about a service delivery protest failed between provincial government and the Cape Town’s Informal Settlement Group. 

ANC Youth League Convenor Muhammad Sayed said it is unacceptable that people are allowed to live with undignified open toilets and fears of floods and disastrous conditions. 

Sayed said the signatories failed to give a balanced view of the real situation facing our people.  Instead they relied on selective sound bites and news clips ignoring the repeated ANCYL calls condemning and distancing ourselves from criminality.

“We will continue to support our people and their demands against inferior services” Sayed added.

Missing Adult Alert: Xiashiu Wei

Two suspects arrested for being in possession of drugs worth R14 000

Loyiso Langeni
28 November 2013

Two suspects aged between 30 and 33-year-ols were on Wednesday arrested for being in possession of drugs at Blydeville Location. 

They are expected to appear before the Lichtenburg Magistrates’ Court today. 

Sergeant Kealeboga Molale said it is alleged that the suspects were found in possession of drugs worth estimated value of R14 000.

A case of illegal possession of drugs is being investigated by police.

Department of Education stands by its decision of the Dramatic Arts paper

Loyiso Langeni
28 November 2013

The Department of Basic Education said it has noted concerns raised about a question in a Dramatic Arts paper in the matric examinations which was written on Monday, but said it stands by its decision to pose the question. 

The pupils were asked to describe how they would get an actor to maximise the horror of a rape of a baby, using a broomstick and a loaf of bread as props. 

Basic Education Spokesperson, Elijah Mhlanga said we will take sample scripts from across the provinces to establish if there were any students who were negatively affected and if we find evidence of that we will then exclude the question from and adjust the marking guidelines accordingly.

Mhlanga said this is a social issue which Grade 12’s are fully aware of.

Missing Adult Alert: Carrol Fredericks

Six firearms, 564 live rounds of ammunitions seized in Alex

Loyiso Langeni
28 November 2013

Six firearms, 564 live rounds of ammunitions and a car were found during a house search in Alexandra Township by the Gauteng Police. 

Police Spokesperson Colonel Noxolo Kweza said police went in side the house and found stolen items, they discovered that the items belonged to a woman in Brakenpan.

Kweza said stolen items that were found include a Plasma television, ID document, bank cards and several firearms. 
No arrests have been made as yet but investigation continues.  

Sbu Ndebele-Electronic monitoring can help fight domestic violence

Mluleki Mrwebi
28 November 2013

Minister of Correctional Services Sibusiso Ndebele on Wednesday said electronic monitoring of offenders will ensure it will prompt assistance for victims of domestic violence. 

Minister Ndebele was speaking at the department’s campaign on the 16 days of activism for no violence against women, children and people with disabilities. 

He added that the campaign allows an opportunity to tackle challenges of gender-based violence. 

Ministerial Spokesperson Logan Maistry said this device can notify authorities when the perpetrator is near the victim even when they are drunk.


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

One year-old child died in an accident

Mluleki Mrwebi
27 November 2013

A 1-year-old baby girl was this morning killed this is after her aunt who was carrying her was knocked down by a vehicle in Witpoortjie. 

It is believed a light motor vehicle collided into the woman while she was carrying the child while crossing at the Java street crossing. 

ER24 Spokesperson Vanessa Jackson said the child died on the scene and the aunt was treated on the scene before being transported to hospital for further care.

Jackson said the aunt is in a stable condition and the cause of the accident is not known at this stage. 

Sedco 700 to create about 8 000 jobs in Saldanha Bay harbour

Mluleki Mrwebi
27 November 2013

The Western Cape MEC of Finance, Economic Development and Tourism Alan Winde said he is happy to have the Sedco 700 in the Saldanha Bay harbour. 

The Sedco will stay in the country for three months and will create about 8 000 jobs between October and December. 

Winde said this is in conjunction with the IDZ in Saldanha Bay and how the oil rigs are promoted.

He added that hopefully in the next ten years there could be about R10 billion investment and the creation of jobs.

SALGA Anti-Corruption Summit underway in Cape Town

Mluleki Mrwebi
27 November 2013

The South African Local Government today held a media briefing ahead of their three day anti-corruption summit at the Cape Town International Convention Centre.

The summit is attended by delegates from all nine provinces.

SALGA Chairperson Thabo Manyoni said this summit is very important as delegates are expected to discuss a lot of issues within different municipalities.

Manyoni said in this summit there will also be focus on the National Development Plan and other ways to curb corruption.

Public Protector Thuli Madonsela said it is historic for Salga to hold this summit, as it will encourage accountability, transparency and a resolution to service delivery.

Madonsela said corruption is a crisis in this country and whistle blowers should be commended at all times.

Deputy Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs Andries Nel said corruption is a societal issue that needs a collective to fight successfully.

The summit will end on Thursday and various speakers from different organisations are expected to attend.

Acid mine drainage a concern for the country

Lusanda Bill
27 November 2013

The Department of Water Affairs today said acid mine drainage is a big challenge that faces South Africa as a result of mining activities over more than 150 years. 

Government believes that there has been significant progress made towards addressing acid mine drainage and the impact it has on the environment and water resources, with socio-economic impacts. 

Director of Communications at the Department of Water Affairs Sputnik Ratau said in terms of the long-term feasibility study and solution towards a resolution of the AMD.  The study has been done and it has been finalised.

“The study has been given to the Department of Water Affairs where the final approvals are being looked into before it is then presented to the ministerial committee on acid mine drainage, and then finally to cabinet for approval and implementation” Ratau added.

WC experiencing shortage of measles and hepatitis vaccines

Lusanda Bill
27 November 2013

The Western Cape Department of Health has confirmed that there is a shortage of measles and hepatitis vaccines. 

MEC of Health Theuns Botha said poor stock management at national government level is an indication of poor management and patients suffer as a result. 

Botha said the department is looking at alternative ways to address the problem. 

Ministerial Spokesperson Helene Rossouw said this is a problem across South Africa not only the Western Cape.  It is caused by international mass polio and measles campaign.

Rossouw added that the provincial government is in contact with the national department of health to try and resolve the problem as swiftly as possible. 

One person shot dead in Tygervalley

Lusanda Bill
27 November 2013

Western Cape police have confirmed that one person was killed in a shooting incident which took place on Tuesday at the corners of Old Oak and Durban road in Tygervalley. 

It is believed a man and a woman were waiting for a taxi to pick them up when the taxi arrived they opened the door and started shooting at the driver and a passenger who was sitting in the front seat. 

Police Spokesperson Thembinkosi Kinana said during that incident the passenger whose identity has not been made available to the police was fatally wounded while the driver managed to escape the incident.

“The two unidentified suspects fled the scene on foot, we have opened a case of murder and attempted murder for investigation and unfortunately we have not made any arrests as yet” Kinana added.

Missing Child Alert: Yolanda Puselletso Maluleke

A taxi accident leaves six people dead

Lusanda Bill
27 November 2013

An accident which occurred this morning on the N14 towards Krugersdorp claimed the lives of six people and six were injured.

It is believed the taxi they were traveling in overturned several times and veered off the road. 

Netcare 911 Spokesperson Santi Steinmann said upon the arrival on scene they found that a minibus overturned resulting in six people tragically losing their lives, one person sustaining critical injuries and five people sustaining serious injuries. 

Steinmann added that the critically injured person was airlifted to hospital and the five other people were treated on scene and then rushed to hospital for further treatment.

The exact details to the cause of the accident and preceding events will remain the subject of a police investigation. 

City of Cape Town to tighten security measures this festive season

Loyiso Langeni
27 November 2013

The City of Cape Town said it has a comprehensive safety plan for the festive season. 

Mayoral Committee Member for Safety and Security JP Smith said the city has joined forces with other law enforcement agencies to help manage the flow of visitors and ensure a safe and secure city during the festive season. 

Smith added that they have made additional law enforcements presents on  beaches and on the roads. There will be a lot of check points or roadblocks and they have additional staff through their first 32 members of volunteer law enforcement specials.

“Staff, Metro Police, Traffic Law Enforcement and Emergency Rescue Services will be putting additional amount of over time, and equally on the emergency side, we have also built 75 reservists fire fighters,” Smith added.

Slain Wesbank boy laid to rest

The little boy from Wesbank who was tragically killed whilst asleep, will be laid to rest on Saturday morning. Four-year-old Davin Afrika ...